林业科学 ›› 2023, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (7): 145-154.doi: 10.11707/j.1001-7488.LYKX20210727
• 综合评述 • 上一篇
Fangyu Yin,Bai Ouyang,Jiali Jiang*,Zhu Li,Jianxiong Lü
Jiali Jiang
木材干缩湿胀是影响木材加工利用的关键特性,与木制品尺寸和形状的稳定性密切相关。木材宏观到微观层次分明的多尺度分级结构导致木材干缩湿胀行为的复杂性。将木材干缩湿胀研究从宏观尺度引向介观和微观尺度,建立三者之间的有机联系,有助于阐明木材干缩湿胀行为的发生机制和演变机理,对深入认识木材性质,合理、高效利用木材具有重要理论价值和实践意义。本研究综述木材宏观尺度(无疵试样)、介观尺度(生长轮)和微观尺度(木材细胞)3种层级单元的干缩湿胀行为及其滞后现象,分析木材不同尺度结构的干缩湿胀行为发生和演变规律,介绍基于多尺度结构的木材干缩湿胀测试方法和技术手段。同时,对今后开展木材多尺度结构干缩湿胀行为研究提出建议:1) 在介观和微观尺度上系统开展针叶材和阔叶材基于生长轮和木材细胞的干缩湿胀行为研究,建立木材多尺度结构与干缩湿胀行为之间的构效关系;2) 揭示基于各向异性、非均质性和细胞类型多样性引发的干缩湿胀行为差异化响应规律及其互作机制;3) 阐明木材干缩湿胀行为的时间滞后和湿胀滞后现象;4) 引入相关理论模型,如有限元法的应用,构建木材多尺度结构的自由缩胀可视化有限元模型。
殷方宇,欧阳白,蒋佳荔,李珠,吕建雄. 木材多尺度结构的干缩湿胀研究进展[J]. 林业科学, 2023, 59(7): 145-154.
Fangyu Yin,Bai Ouyang,Jiali Jiang,Zhu Li,Jianxiong Lü. Research Development of Shrinkage and Swelling of Wood with Multi-Scale Structures[J]. Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2023, 59(7): 145-154.
测试方法 Test method | 应用尺度 Application of scale | 优点 Advantages | 缺点 Disadvantages | 测量结果主要 影响因素 Main effect factors on results |
游标卡尺 Vernier caliper | 宏观尺度 Macroscale | ①操作简单Test operation is sample ②易获得Easy to get | ①多次测量取平均Multiple measurements are averaged ②精准度低 Precision low | 使用者 User |
吸附测试系统Sorption test system(SPS) | 宏观尺度 Macroscale | ①11个样品可同时测定Eleven samples can be measured simultaneously in one experiment ②任意相对湿度条件下含水率与干缩湿胀应变量的同步测定Simultaneous determination of moisture content and shrinkage and swelling strain under arbitrary relative humidity ③分辨率较高:2 046×2 046 High resolution:2 046×2 046 | ①试样中心需钻孔 Sample center needs to be drilled ②相机无放大倍数 Camera has no magnification ③样品无法二次使用 Sample cannot be reused | 图像分析 Image analysis |
数字图像相关 Digital image correlation(DIC) | 介观尺度 Mesoscale | ①操作简单Test operation is simple ②成本低Cost is low ③可与多种显微设备配合使用提高分辨率 Can be used with a variety of microscopic equipment to improve resolution | ①试样表面需标记处理 Surface of the sample shall be marked ②产生伪应变Generating pseudo-strains ③无法同步获取含水率,需设置对照组Unable to obtain moisture content synchronously,a control group needs to be set up | ①样品制备 Sample preparation ②图像分析 Image analysis |
共聚焦激光扫描显微镜 Confocal laser scanning microscopy(CLSM) | 介观尺度 Mesoscale | ①操作简单Test operation is simple ②可任意角度旋转,观察细胞Rotate at any angle to observe the cells | ①无法同步获取含水率,需设置对照组Unable to obtain moisture content synchronously,a control group needs to be set up ②成像范围小,分辨率低:640×480 Small imaging range and low resolution:640×480 | ①样品制备 Sample preparation ②图像分析 Image analysis |
动态水分吸附分析仪 Dynamic vapor sorption(DVS) | 介观尺度 Mesoscale | ①任意相对湿度条件下含水率与干缩湿胀应变量的同步测定Simultaneous determination of moisture content and shrinkage and swelling strain under arbitrary relative humidity ②多种视野大小可供选择Multiple view sizes available | 分辨率有待提高:1 280×960 Resolution to be improved:1 280×960 | ①样品表面平整度Surface smoothness of sample ②图像分析 Image analysis |
X射线断层扫描显微镜 X-ray tomographic microscopy | 介观尺度/ 微观尺度 Mesoscale/ Microscale | ①三维可视化3D visualization ②可建立模型Sample model can be established | ①无法同步获取含水率,需设置对照组Unable to obtain moisture content synchronously,a control group needs to be set up ②试验周期长Long test period ③成本高High cost | 数据分析Date analysis |
落射光显微镜联用CCD相机 Epi-illumination microscopy equipped with a CCD | 微观尺度 Microscale | ①操作简单Test operation is simple ②可观察荧光现象Fluorescence can be observed | ①无法同步获取含水率,需设置对照组Unable to obtain moisture content synchronously,a control group needs to be set up ②分辨率有待提高:1 280×1 000 Resolution to be improved 1 280×1 000 | ①样品表面平整度Surface smoothness of sample ②图像分析 Image analysis |
环境扫描电子显微镜Environmental scanning electron microscope(ESEM) | 微观尺度 Microscale | ① 分辨率极高:6 144×4 096 Extremely high resolution:6 144×4 096 ②拍摄图像无伪影Image is taken without artifacts | ①无法同步获取含水率,需设置对照组Unable to obtain moisture content synchronously,a control group needs to be set up ②电子束会对细胞壁造成损伤Electron beam causes damage to the cell wall | ①试验条件和材料Experimental conditions and materials ②图像分析Image analysis |
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