林业科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (9): 21-33.doi: 10.11707/j.1001-7488.20210903
Hailian Xue1,Xianglin Tian2,Tianjian Cao3,*
Tianjian Cao
目的: 以基于碳平衡的过程模型CROBAS为例,提出一种结合经验模型与过程模型的混合建模方法,优化华山松过程模型CROBAS-PA的参数,探索在建模数据不足情况下预估复杂过程模型参数的有效途径。方法: 参数优化模型的目标函数设为过程模型CROBAS-PA与经验模型QUASSI 1.0在树高和生物量预测上的离差,优化模型的决策变量选取过程模型中10个随气候和树种调整的参数(树冠树叶分形维数、消光系数、比叶面积、最大光合速率、树叶衰老率、叶表面积密度、自然整枝参数、树枝边材率、树干边材衰老率和树枝边材衰老率),约束条件为过程模型参数的可行域。选用差分演化算法,采用Sobol一阶灵敏度和全局灵敏度系数进行参数敏感性分析与评估,利用平均误差(ME)、平均绝对误差(MAE)和平均相对误差(MRE)进行模型检验。结果: 经参数优化后的华山松过程模型CROBAS-PA的有效预测时间可达20年,树高和胸径预测值平均绝对误差分别小于1.03 m和1.19 cm,平均相对误差分别低于5.59%和2.59%。灵敏度分析显示,最大光合速率、比叶面积、消光系数、树冠树叶分形维数对树高和胸径的生长变化有明显影响,而叶表面积密度对胸径和树高的生长变化影响较小。结论: 经参数优化后的华山松过程模型CROBAS-PA可以较准确预测华山松的树高和胸径生长以及林木各器官中的碳分配,基于经验-过程混合建模方法在复杂过程模型参数预估中具有一定应用潜力。
薛海连,田相林,曹田健. 利用经验-过程混合建模方法优化华山松过程模型的参数[J]. 林业科学, 2021, 57(9): 21-33.
Hailian Xue,Xianglin Tian,Tianjian Cao. Optimizing Parameters of a Process-Based Model for Pinus armandii: A Compromise between Empirical and Process-Based Modelling Approaches[J]. Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2021, 57(9): 21-33.
调查年份 Inventory year | 样地类型 Plot type | 样地数量 Number of plots | 林龄 Stand age/a | 林分密度 Stand density/hm-2 | 平均胸径 Mean DBH/cm | 平均树高 Mean tree height/m | 林分断面积 Stand basal area/(m2·hm-2) |
1990 | 临时样地Temporary plots | 244 | 20~60 | 113~2 324 | 10.0~32.0 | 6.5~22.0 | 5.0~33.0 |
2005 | 临时样地Temporary plots | 143 | 16~67 | 92~2 190 | 7.6~33.8 | 5.3~22.5 | 5.0~37.0 |
2013 | 临时样地Temporary plots | 70 | 20~81 | 181~2 254 | 11.2~29.6 | 6.0~19.0 | 7.0~30.0 |
2014 | 固定样地Permanent plots | 31 | 20~52 | 289~4 616 | 6.2~22.9 | 6.7~16.0 | 6.9~28.6 |
华山松经验模型QUASSI 1.0参数估计值"
公式 Equation | 因变量 Dependent variable | 样本量 Sample size | 拟合参数 Parameter estimate | 决定系数 Determination coefficient (R2) |
(1) | H | 387 | a1=24.994;a2=42.728;a3=1.032 | 0.382 |
(2) | SDI | 85 | β=1.662 | 0.811 |
(3) | G | 387 | b1=16.132;b2=0.233;b3=6.572;b4=1.475 | 0.781 |
(4) | D | 387 | c1=22.717;c2=0.182;c3=24.893;c4=0.182 | 0.482 |
参数 Parameter | 生理学意义 Meaning of biology | 参数值Parameter values | 参数化方法 Method of parameterization |
φs | 冠基树干边材率 Form factor of sapwood in stem below crown | 1.0 | 基于PIPE理论假设的理论值Theoretical value based on the assumption of pipe theory |
Ψs | 冠基树干边材衰老率 Form factor of senescent sapwood in stem below crown | 1.0 | 基于PIPE理论假设的理论值Theoretical value according to pipe theory |
φc | 冠层树干边材率 Form factor of sapwood in stem within crown | 0.75 | 基于椎体形式理论值Based on the conical form |
φ′t | 运输根边材率(粗根没有心材) Form factor of sapwood in transport roots (no heartwood in coarse roots) | 1.0 | |
ρs | 树干部分木材密度 Density of wood in stem | 400 kg·m-3 | |
ρb | 树枝部分木材密度 Density of wood in branch | 400 kg·m-3 | |
ρt | 运输根部分木材密度 Density of wood in transport roots | 400 kg·m-3 | |
ct | 运输根长/干长 Ratio of transport root length to stem length | 1.0 | |
αs | 树干边材面积/叶生物量 Ratio of sapwood area in stem to foliage weight | 1.2×10-3 m2·kg-1 | |
αb | 树枝边材面积/叶生物量 Ratio of sapwood area in branches to foliage weight | 5×10-3 m2·kg-1 | |
αt | 运输根边材面积/叶生物量 Ratio of sapwood area in transport roots to foliage weight | 4.0×10-4 m2·kg-1 | |
r1 | 树叶细根呼吸率 Specific maintenance respiration rate of foliage + fine roots | 0.1 kg C·kg-1DW a-1 | |
r2 | 木质部呼吸率 Specific maintenance respiration rate of wood | 0.01kg C·kg-1DW a-1 | |
sr | 细根衰老速率 Specific senescence rate of fine roots | 1.0 a-1 | |
ds0 | 树干部分整枝边材面积转化率 Specific sapwood area turnover rate per unit relative pruning in stem | 1.0 | |
db0 | 树枝部分整枝边材面积转化率 Specific sapwood area turnover rate per unit relative pruning in branch | 1.0 | |
dt0 | 传输根部分整枝边材面积转化率 Specific sapwood area turnover rate per unit relative pruning in transport root | 1.0 | |
ds1 | 树干部分无整枝边材面积转化率 Specific turnover rate of sapwood area in case of no pruning in stem | 0.01 | |
db1 | 树枝部分无整枝边材面积转化率 Specific turnover rate of sapwood area in case of no pruning in branch | 0.01 | |
dt1 | 传输根无整枝边材面积转化率 Specific turnover rate of sapwood area in case of no pruning in transport root | 0.01 | |
Ψ′t | 运输根边材衰老率(运输根无心材) Form factor of senescence sapwood in transport roots(no heartwood in coarse roots) | 0 | |
αr | 细根/叶生物量 Ratio of fine root to foliage weight | 0.2 | |
aσ | 单位冠长对应光合作用下降率 Decrease of photosynthesis per unit crown length | 0.02 m-1 | |
cb | 树冠半径/冠长 Ratio of crown radius to crown length | 0.3 | 本研究This study |
q | 冠幅自然整枝度 Degree of control by crown coverage of self-pruning | 0.35 | 预估值Estimate value |
Y | 碳有效利用率 Carbon use efficiency | 0.65 kg C·kg-1 DW | |
sf | 树叶衰老率(针叶生命周期3~5 a) Specific senescence rate of foliage(based on needle lifetime of 3-5 a) | 0.193 6 [0.2, 0.333] a-1 | 本研究This study |
An | 比叶面积 Specific leaf area | 5.219 1 [4.765 1, 6.543] m2·kg-1 | |
P | 最大光合速率 Maximum rate of canopy photosynthesis per unit area | 3.498 3 [1.0, 5.074 5] kgC·m-2a-1 | |
k | 消光系数 Extinction coefficient | 0.117 4 [0.01, 0.18] | |
aq | 自然整枝参数 Parameter related to self-pruning | 0.461 4 [0.45, 0.8] | 本研究This study |
φ′b | 树枝边材率 Form factor of sapwood in branches | 2.0 [0.1, 2.0] | 本研究This study |
z | 冠层树叶分形维数 Fractal dimension of foliage in crown | 3.0 [2.0, 3.0] | |
x | 叶表面积密度 Surface area density of foliage | 0.198 7 [0.03, 0.2] kg·m-z | |
Ψc | 树干边材衰老率 Form factor of senescence sapwood in steminside crown | 0.945 5 [0.5, 1.0] | 本研究This study |
Ψ′b | 树枝边材衰老率 Form factor of senescence sapwood in branches | 3.0 [0.9, 3.0] | 本研究This study |
参数Parameter | 树高Tree height | DBH | |||
一阶灵敏度系数 The first order sensitivity index | 总灵敏度系数 The total sensitivity index | 一阶灵敏度系数 The first order sensitivity index | 总灵敏度系数 The total sensitivity indiex | ||
树叶衰老率Specific senescence rate of foliage(sf) | 0.020 4 | 0.002 4 | 0.030 5 | 0.003 4 | |
比叶面积Specific leaf area(An) | 0.077 9 | 0.301 0 | 0.052 2 | 0.343 3 | |
最大光合速率Maximum rate of canopy photosynthesis per unit area(P) | 0.153 0 | 0.444 3 | 0.099 0 | 0.500 3 | |
消光系数Extinction coefficient(k) | 0.079 2 | 0.312 9 | 0.073 0 | 0.359 6 | |
自然整枝参数Parameter related to self-pruning(aq) | 0.029 6 | 0.033 3 | 0.034 0 | 0.025 0 | |
树枝边材率Form factor of sapwood in branches(φb) | 0.020 0 | 0.000 2 | 0.038 4 | 0.048 8 | |
冠层树叶分形维数Fractal dimension of foliage in crown(z) | 0.128 4 | 0.3610 | 0.110 5 | 0.402 6 | |
叶表面积密度Surface area density of foliage(x) | 0.029 1 | 0.033 8 | 0.033 6 | 0.028 0 | |
树干边材衰老率Form factor of senescence sapwood in steminside crown(Ψc) | 0.020 8 | 0.004 0 | 0.031 2 | 0.000 0 | |
树枝边材衰老率Form factor of senescence sapwood in branches(Ψ′b) | 0.041 1 | 0.067 0 | 0.031 2 | 0.000 1 | |
细根/叶生物量Fine root: foliage weight ratio(αr) | 0.023 8 | 0.026 0 | 0.023 0 | 0.038 6 | |
细根衰老速率Specific senescence rate of fine roots(sr) | 0.023 3 | 0.022 2 | 0.031 9 | 0.033 1 |
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