
林业科学 ›› 2010, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (5): 41-48.doi: 10.11707/j.1001-7488.20100507

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  1. 1.北京林业大学水土保持学院北京100083;2.国家林业局管理干部学院北京102600;3.北京林业大学林学院北京100083;4.武警警种指挥学院 北京102202
  • 收稿日期:2009-04-29 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2010-05-25 发布日期:2010-05-25

Analysis of Crown Growth Characteristics in Natural Larix gmelinii Forests

Yu Bao1,2;Wu Jisiguleng3;Wang Baitian1;Wang Liming4   

  1. 1.College of Soil and Water Conservation, Beijing Forestry UniversityBeijing 100083;2.State Academy of Forestry AdministrationBeijing 102600;3.College of Forestry, Beijing Forestry UniversityBeijing 100083;4.Command College of Armed Police Forces Kinds of ChinaBeijing 102202
  • Received:2009-04-29 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2010-05-25 Published:2010-05-25


分析兴安落叶松天然林分级木和林分冠生长特性,建立冠幅生长及单株冠、枝、叶生物量模型。结果表明:1)年龄36~39年、密度983~3 263株·hm-2林分和年龄54~61年、密度1 101~2 241株·hm-2林分,随林分密度增加,分级木冠幅差距趋于减小;冠长占树高比例及冠长与冠幅比值增加;优势木、平均木和被压木平均冠积分别达22.479,15.296,6.179和26.864,11.154,8.192 m3。 2)年龄36~39年和54~61年林分优势木、平均木和被压木平均单株冠生物量分别为0.008 2,0.004 9,0.000 9和0.007 9,0.003 8,0.001 4t;占单株地上生物量平均比例分别达18.5%,24.2%,17.3%和15.9%,12.0%,20.5%。3)单株冠生物量分配中,枝比例高于叶比例,并因分级木不同而不同。年龄36~39年和54~61年林分,优势木、平均木、被压木枝生物量比例分别为76.6%,74.7%,66.6%和76.8%,73.3%,71.4%;叶生物量比例分别为23.4%,25.3%,33.4%和23.2%,26.7%,28.6%。4)年龄36~39年和54~61年林分,林分冠生物量分别达4.63~15.61t·hm-2和3.03~11.08t·hm-2;林分冠生物量中,枝、叶生物量平均比例分别为74.9%,25.1%和73.9%,26.1%。随林分密度增加,年龄36~39年林分冠生物量占乔木地上生物量比例增加,而年龄54~61年林分呈单峰型变化,其比例分别为9.1%~42.9%和12.4~24.4%。

关键词: 兴安落叶松, 天然林, 树冠生长, 树冠生物量, 生物量模型


The study analyzed the characteristics of the canopy growth with different classified stems in natural Larix gmelinii forests and also made the biomass models between the crown width growth and the branch/leaf biomass of a crown. The results showed: (1)In the stands with age of 36-39 a,and density of 983-3 263 trees·hm-2 as well as the stands with age of 54-61 a,and density among 1 101-2 241 trees·hm-2,as the stand density increased,the difference of crown width among each classified stem reduced,while the proportion of crown length to tree height and the proportion of crown length to crown width increased; the mean individnal crown volume of dominant trees,average trees and overtopped trees was 22.479,15.296,6.179 and 26.864,11.154,8.192 m3 respectively. (2) In the stands age of 36-39 a the average individual crown biomass of dominant trees,average trees and overtopped trees was 0.008 2,0.004 9,0.000 9 t and the mean ratios of the crown biomass to its above-ground biomass were 18.5%,24.2%,17.3%. However in the forest stands age of 54-61 the biomass and the ratios of the crown biomass to its above-ground biomass were 0.007 9,0.003 8,0.001 4 t and 15.9%,12.0%,20.5% respectively. (3) As for biomass allocation in a crown,proportion of leaf biomass was higher than branch biomass,and the allocation was different among each classified stem. In the forest stands age of 36~39a the branch biomass proportions of dominant trees,mean trees and overtopped trees were 76.6%,74.7%,66.6% and the leaf biomass proportions were 23.4%,25.3%,33.4%. However in the forest stands age of 54-61 a the branch biomass proportions and the leaf biomass proportions were 76.8%,73.3%,71.4%,and 23.2%,26.7%,28.6% respectively. (4)In the forest stands age of 36-39 a the total crown biomass were 4.63-15.61t·hm-2,in the total crown biomass,the ratios of the leaf biomass and the branch biomass were 74.9% and 25.1%,while in the forest stands age of 54-61 a the crown biomass and the ratios of the leaf biomass and the branch biomass were 3.03-11.08 t·hm-2 and 73.9% and 26.1% respectively. In the forest stands age of 36-39 a,the proportion of crown biomass to above-ground biomass increased as the stand density rose,while in the forest stands age of 54-61 a the proportion change enhibited a one-peak curve. The proportions of each forest stand were 9.1%-42.9% and 12.4-24.4%.

Key words: Larix gmelinii, natural forest, crown growth, crown biomass, biomass model