
林业科学 ›› 2016, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (10): 22-30.doi: 10.11707/j.1001-7488.20161003

• 论文与研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇


姜顺邦, 韦小丽   

  1. 贵州大学林学院 贵阳 550025
  • 收稿日期:2015-10-19 修回日期:2016-07-04 出版日期:2016-10-25 发布日期:2016-11-09
  • 通讯作者: 韦小丽
  • 基金资助:

Effects of Water Supply on Water Consumption,Growth and Physiological Processes of Ormosia henryi Seedlings and the Irrigation System Optimization

Jiang Shunbang, Wei Xiaoli   

  1. Forestry College of Guizhou University Guiyang 550025
  • Received:2015-10-19 Revised:2016-07-04 Online:2016-10-25 Published:2016-11-09

摘要: [目的] 研究不同供水条件下,花榈木苗期不同生长阶段水分消耗规律及其对花榈木苗木生长及生理影响,以期节约利用水资源、减少养分流失、提高苗木质量,为花榈木容器育苗分阶段按需定量供水提供理论依据。[方法] 采用盆栽试验法,人工设置90%,80%,70%,60%,50%和40% 6个相对含水量,采用称重补水法控制基质含水量,测定1年生花榈木幼苗单株耗水量动态变化,并对6种不同含水量条件下的花榈木幼苗生长及生理特性。[结果] 在6种基质含水量条件下,花榈木幼苗日耗水量变化和月耗水量均表现为生长初期(15~76天)和生长后期(185~231天)耗水量较小,速生期(77~184天)耗水量较大。日耗水量出现2个耗水高峰期,分别为苗龄92~107天和139~169天,最大日耗水量变化范围为10.12~18.84 mL;月耗水量最大值出现在出苗后的第5个月(136~169天),变化范围为307.62~565.26 mL;土壤相对含水量为40%~80%,苗期总耗水量随供水量的增加而增加,当基质相对含水量为80%时苗期总耗水量最大,达3 870.99 mL。花榈木幼苗的生长和生理指标在不同水分梯度下均差异显著(P<0.05),其中基质相对含水量为80%时,花榈木苗高、地径、生物量及根系指标均优于其他水分处理,其叶绿素总量最高,丙二醛含量、SOD活性、脯氨酸含量和可溶性糖含量均处于低水平,说明相对含水量过高或过低均能抑制苗木的生长。综合考虑苗木生长生理状况及耗水特性认为:在基质相对含水量为80%时,能够培育出花榈木壮苗,同时又能实现水分的高效利用。[结论] 不同供水量对花榈木苗不同生长阶段耗水、生长及生理均有显著影响。在基质相对含水量为80%时最有利于花榈木苗木生长,其苗高、地径、生物量及根系指标均最优,苗木生理质量处于最佳水平。从提高苗木综合质量考虑,以80%相对含水量处理下花榈木水分消耗规律为依据,制定不同阶段的优化灌溉制度,苗龄15~45,46~76,77~107,108~138,139~169,170~200和201~231天的单株月灌水量分别为178.35,232.47,469.98,436.59,565.26,367.35和329.55 mL。

关键词: 花榈木, 供水量, 耗水量, 生长特性, 生理特性, 灌溉制度

Abstract: [Objective] Ormosia henryi is listed as the precious timber species under state protection (category ii). For providing a theoretical basis of water supply according to demand of O. henryi seedlings at different growth stages, we conducted this study on the water consumption rule of O. henryi seedlings at different growth stages under different water supply and on the effect of water supply conditions to growth and physiological processes of O. henryi seedlings, to save water, reduce nutrient loss and improve seedlings quality. [Method] We conducted a potting experiment in which six relative water content gradients were set, that is, of 90%,80%,70%,60%,50% and 40%, controlled by weighing filling water method. The water consumption dynamic per a seedling and the growth, physiological and biochemical indices of one-year-old O. henryi were measured with six different substrate moisture contents. [Result] In the six different water regimes, both the daily and monthly water consumption of O. henryi seedlings were smaller at early growth stage (15-76 d) and later growth stage (185-231 d), while the water consumption was bigger in fast growth period (77-184 d). The daily water consumption presented two peak periods, they were 92-107 d and 139-169 d, respectively. The biggest daily water consumption ranged from 10.12 mL to 18.84 mL. The monthly water consumption of 5-month-old seedlings (136-169 d) was biggest, ranging from 307.62 mL to 565.26 mL. The total water consumption of seedlings increased with increase of soil moisture content in the range of 40%-80%, and when the relative water content was 80%, the total water consumption of seedlings was biggest, with 3870.99 mL water. The growth and physiological indices of seedlings existed significant differences (P<0.05) in the six different water regimes. When the relative water content was 80%, the height, ground diameter, biomass and root indicators of O. henryi seedling were all better than the other water treatments, and the total chlorophyll content was higher, and the malondialdehyde content, SOD activity, proline content and soluble sugar content were lower than the other water regimes. It was shown that too high or too low relative water content inhibited growth of the seedlings. In synthetic consideration of seedling growth, physiology and water consumption characteristics, the relative water content of 80% was best for cultivating the high quality seedlings of O. henryi, and also realizing the efficient use of water. [Conclusion] Different water supply significantly affect the water consumption, growth and physiology of O. henryi seedlings at different stages. It is benefit for cultivating O. henryi seedlings in the relative water content of 80%, in which the height, ground diameter, biomass and root indicators of O. henryi seedling are superior to other water treatments, and the physical performance also is the best. In terms of the overall quality of seedlings, according to the water consumption rule of O. henryi seedlings under 80% relative water content, we have formulated the optimization irrigation system for O. henryi container seedlings at different growth phases, that is, the irrigation water volume per month is 178.35,232.47,469.98,436.59,565.26,367.35 and 329.55 mL when the seedlings age is 15-45, 46-76, 77-107, 108-138, 139-169,170-200 and 201-231 d, respectively.

Key words: Ormosia henryi, water supply, water consumption quantity, growth characteristics, physiology characteristics, irrigation system
