林业科学 ›› 2006, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (11): 132-137.doi: 10.11707/j.1001-7488.20061124
• 研究简报 • 上一篇 下一篇
关德新 吴家兵 金昌杰 韩士杰 王安志
Guan Dexin,Wu Jiabing,Jin Changjie,Han Shijie,Wang Anzhi
关键词: 气温和浅层地温, 红松针阔叶混交林, 气象站
Air and shallow soil temperature in forest site are important factors impacting carbon cycle and plant physiology of the ecosystem.It is an effective method to estimating these temperatures by the recordings at neighboring meteorological station.The estimations will fill the gap of micrometeorological measurements in forest area.An empirical model to estimate the air temperature in the crown and soil temperature at 5 and 20 cm depth in the mixed forest of broad_leaved and Korean_pine was established,according to the recordings at adjacent meteorological station.The effects of seasons and snow coverage were taken into account in model establishment.The results showed that estimations were well accordance with the measurements.
Key words: air and shallow soil temperature, the mixed forest of broad-leaved and Korean-pine, meteorological station
关德新 吴家兵 金昌杰 韩士杰 王安志. 用气象站资料推算附近森林浅层地温和气温[J]. 林业科学, 2006, 42(11): 132-137.
Guan Dexin;Wu Jiabing;Jin Changjie;Han Shijie;Wang Anzhi. Estimating Air and Shallow Soil Temperatures in Forest Site by the Recordings at Neighboring Meteorological Station[J]. Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2006, 42(11): 132-137.
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