林业科学 ›› 2020, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (7): 91-103.doi: 10.11707/j.1001-7488.20200710
所属专题: 森林有害生物
Han Peng1,2,Shouke Zhang1,2,Xiansheng Geng1,Linxin Fang1,2,Wei Zhang1,Jinping Shu1,*,Haojie Wang1
Jinping Shu
目的: 基于幼虫取食不同寄主树种云斑白条天牛的成虫补充营养行为、形态特征及遗传特性的比较,探讨不同寄主对成虫行为的影响及其机制。方法: 比较幼虫取食毛白杨和美国红木岑2种寄主树种的云斑白条天牛成虫外形特征及雄性生殖器结构差异,利用选择性取食试验,观测这2类云斑白条天牛成虫对美国红木岑、野蔷薇、美国山核桃、日本珊瑚树及毛白杨5种寄主植物嫩枝的取食行为及交配行为,最后基于COI基因分析二者间遗传多样性差异及系统发育关系。结果: 1)幼虫取食美国红木岑的云斑白条天牛和幼虫取食毛白杨的云斑白条天牛外部特征存在明显差异。幼虫取食美国红木岑的云斑白条天牛雄虫腹部末端窄,呈钝角内凹状,毛稀疏,雌虫腹部末端呈弧形内凹,底部中央缺刻不明显,而幼虫取食毛白杨的云斑白条天牛雄虫腹部末端宽,呈弧形内凹状,密被毛,雌虫腹部末端呈平截状,底部中央具有明显缺刻;两者生殖器差异不明显;2)幼虫取食美国红木岑的云斑白条天牛成虫仅取食美国红木岑嫩枝,而幼虫取食毛白杨的云斑白条天牛可取食野蔷薇、美国山核桃和日本珊瑚树3种植物嫩枝,偏好顺序为野蔷薇>美国山核桃>日本珊瑚树;3)2个种群的天牛雌、雄成虫之间可相互交配,平均交配次数较同类群间存在差异但不显著(P>0.05);4)2个不同寄主源的天牛种群存在明显遗传分化,分化指数Fst=0.814(P < 0.001),变异分化主要来源于种群间(83.19%)。结论: 幼虫的取食经历(取食不同寄主植物)和生境异质性可能对云斑白条天牛成虫补充营养行为及种群遗传分化产生显著影响。
彭瀚,张守科,耿显胜,方林鑫,张威,舒金平,王浩杰. 幼虫取食不同寄主树种的云斑白条天牛成虫种群分化[J]. 林业科学, 2020, 56(7): 91-103.
Han Peng,Shouke Zhang,Xiansheng Geng,Linxin Fang,Wei Zhang,Jinping Shu,Haojie Wang. Population Differentation of Batocera lineolata(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Adults Whose Larvae Fed on Different Host Tree Species[J]. Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2020, 56(7): 91-103.
幼虫寄主① Host for larval feeding | 地区 Experimental sites | 成虫偏好取食植物 Preference hosts for adults | 参考文献 References |
杨树Populus spp. | 湖北咸宁Xianning, Hubei | 蔷薇Rosa spp. | |
杨树Populus spp. | 湖北潜江Qianjiang, Hubei湖北荆州Jingzhou, Hubei | 野蔷薇Rosa multiflora | |
白蜡Fraxinus chinensis | 浙江慈溪Cixi, Zhejiang东青岛、寿光Qingdao and Shouguang,Shandong | 白蜡F. chinensis | |
* | 四川雅安Ya’an, Sichuan | 日本珊瑚树Viburnum odoratissimum var. awabuki | |
* | 四川德阳Deyang, Sichuan | 青冈Cyclobalanopsis glauca、梨树Pyrus spp. | |
* | 江苏南京Nanjing, Jiangsu | 柘树Cudrania tricuspidata、美国山核桃Carya illinoensis | |
* | 江苏扬州Yangzhou, Jiangsu | 梨树Pyrus spp. | |
小叶青冈Cyclobalanopsis myrsinaefoli、多脉青冈C. multinervis | 江西上饶Shangrao, Jiangxi | 小叶青冈C. myrsinaefoli、多脉青冈C. multinervis |
外部形态特征Morphological characteristics | 取食美国红木岑① Fed on F. pennsylvanica | 取食毛白杨 Fed on P. tomentosa |
触角第3节与柄节长度之比Ratio between the length of the 3rd segment of antennae and the length of scape | ♂1.42~1.63♀1.18~1.28 | ♂1.08~1.44♀0.95~1.16 |
触角第9或10节具齿突The 9th or 10th antennae with odontoid | ♂无No♀有Yes | ♂无No♀无No |
前胸背板斑纹形状Stripe shape of pronotum | 肾形Reniform | 肾形Reniform |
前胸背板斑纹相距距离Stripe distance of pronotum | 2.10 ± 0.07 mm | 2.32 ± 0.11 mm |
前胸背板斑纹颜色Stripe color of pronotum | 白色/浅黄色White/Buff | 浅黄色Buff |
中胸后侧片毛色Hair color of mesepimeron | 白色/白色带黑色条纹White/White with black stripes | 白色/白色带黑色条纹White/White with black stripes |
鞘翅毛斑的数量(单鞘翅)Number of stripes of each elytron | 6 | 6 |
鞘翅毛斑颜色Spot color in the elytra | 白色/浅黄色White/Buff | 浅黄色Buff |
鞘翅基部颗粒状瘤突直径大小及疏密Size and density of tubercle on the base of elytra | 0.33± 0.009 mm,密Dense | 0.41± 0.018 mm,密Dense |
鞘翅基部颗粒状瘤突的区域大小Area of tubercle region on the base of elytra | 约占鞘翅的1/5 About 1/5 area of the elytra | 约占鞘翅的1/5 About 1/5 area of the elytra |
鞘翅端部形状Shape of the bottom of elytra | 圆弧Circular-arc | 平截/斜截Flat cut/Oblique cut |
腹部末端形状Shape of the bottom of abdomen | ♂:窄,钝角内凹,稀疏毛Narrow, obtuse, inward-concave, with sparse hair ♀:弧形内凹,底部中央缺刻极不明显Curved, inner concave, the incision in the center of the bottom is unobvious | ♂:宽,弧形内凹,密集毛Wide, curved, inner-concave, with dense hair ♀:平截,底部中央具明显缺刻Flat cut, the incision in the center of the bottom is obvious |
前足跗节第1节外端角具指突Digitation on the 1st tarsal of front leg | 无No | 无No |
幼虫取食不同寄主树种的云斑白条天牛雄性生殖器结构特征比较 a—d:幼虫取食美国红木岑的云斑白条天牛B. lineolata whose larvae fed on F. pennsylvanica; e—h:幼虫取食毛白杨的云斑白条天牛B. lineolata whose larvae fed on P. tomentosa. a,e:阳基侧突(正面)Lateral lobe(front view); b,f:第8腹板The 8th sternite; c,g:中茎基(正面) Median lobe(front view); d,h:中茎基(侧面)Median lobe(lateral view). "
雄性外生殖器Male genitalia | 取食美国红木岑Fed on F. pennsylvanica | 取食毛白杨Fed on P. tomentosa |
总体骨化程度Ossification degree | 强烈Strong | 强烈Strong |
阳基侧突长(内侧长度)宽比Ratio between the length(the length of inner side) and the width of lateral lobe | 1.85~2.28 | 1.80~2.22 |
阳基侧突端部形状Shape of the bottom of lateral lobe | 斜截圆弧形Circular-arc with oblique cut | 斜截圆弧形Circular-arc with oblique cut |
阳基侧突腹面基部后缘形状Posterior margin shape of ventral surface of lateral lobe | 与中轴呈63°-69°斜截Oblique cut, 63°-69° to middle axis | 与中轴呈69°-84°斜截Oblique cut, 69°-84° to middle axis |
阳基侧突端部刚毛长短及密度Length and density of setae on the bottom of lateral lobe | 0.63 ± 0.047 mm,密集Dense | 0.44 ± 0.045 mm,密集Dense |
中茎总体长宽比Ratio between the length and width of the median lobe | 5.77~6.60 | 6.33~7.00 |
基孔夹角Angle of datum hole | 19°~44° | 26°~44° |
第八腹板刚毛着生位置、长短及密度The position, length and density of setae on the 8th sternum | 端部Terminal, 0.43 ± 0.014 mm,密Dense | 端部Terminal, 0.48 ± 0.019 mm,密Dense |
骨杆粗细及长短Diameter and length of baculi | 长Length: 3.91 ± 0.50 mm,直径Diameter: 0.27 ± 0.018 mm | 长Length: 3.72 ± 0.37 mm,直径Diameter: 0.25 ± 0.009 mm |
长骨杆形状Shape of long baculi | 二叉状Two forked | 二叉状Two forked |
第八腹板边缘形状Shape of the margin of the 8th sternum | 弧形、中央凹陷/平截Arc, central concave/flat cut | 平截Flat cut |
云斑白条天牛成虫取食选择 A.幼虫取食美国红木岑的云斑白条天牛B.lineolata whose larvae fed on F. pennsylvanica;B.幼虫取食毛白杨的云斑白条天牛B.lineolata whose larvae fed on P. tomentosa;R. m:野蔷薇R. multiflora;C. i:美国山核桃C. illinoinensis;V. o:日本珊瑚树V. odoratissimum var. awabuki;P. t:毛白杨P. tomentosa;F. p:美国红木岑F. pennsylvanica.不同的小写字母表示差异显著(P < 0.05)。The bar marked with different lowercase letters is significantly different at the level of P < 0.05. "
变异来源 Source of variation | 自由度 Df | 平方和 Sum of squares | 方差① Variance components | 变异百分数 Percentage of variation | 变异指数 Fixation index(Fst) | P |
种群间 Among populations | 1 | 104.500 | 8.545 45a | 81.39 | 0.813 85 | < 0.001 |
种群内 Within populations | 22 | 43.000 | 1.954 55b | 18.61 | ||
总体Total | 23 | 147.500 | 10.500 00 |
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