
林业科学 ›› 2014, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (10): 49-58.doi: 10.11707/j.1001-7488.20141007

• 论文与研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇


毛斌, 徐程扬, 李乐, 陈瑜   

  1. 北京林业大学省部共建森林培育和保护教育部重点实验室 干旱半干旱地区森林培育和生态系统国家林业局重点实验室 北京 100083
  • 收稿日期:2013-09-10 修回日期:2014-11-20 出版日期:2014-10-25 发布日期:2014-11-12
  • 通讯作者: 徐程扬
  • 基金资助:


Tree Classification for Pinus tabulaeformis Scenic Plantation

Mao Bin, Xu Chengyang, Li Le, Chen Yu   

  1. Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Forest Ecosystem in Arid and Semi-Arid Area of State Forestry Administration, Beijing Forestry University Beijing 100083
  • Received:2013-09-10 Revised:2014-11-20 Online:2014-10-25 Published:2014-11-12


以北京市园林绿化局西山林场的人工油松风景林13个林分中554株林木为研究对象,依据能反映单木形体特征的9个测树指标和树高、胸径、冠幅等林木生长指标,构建林木个体美景度与形态指标、生长指标间的关系模型,并依此进行油松人工风景林林木分级。为了使生长指标更具有通用性,采用综合指数法计算林木的树高、胸径和冠幅的生长势。结果表明: 油松单木形态指标和生长指标与美景度值间呈多种规律变化,树高年均生长量、树干通直度、径高比与美景度值间呈二次曲线规律变化; 树冠体积、胸径年均生长量、冠幅年均生长量、冠长率、树冠伸展度和生长势与美景度值间呈正线性降低变化趋势; 死枝树冠长度占树冠总长度比例与美景度值间呈负线性增加变化趋势。因此,非线性模型能从总体上较好地反映油松形态指标和生长指标与美景度间的关系。根据因子分析结果构建可表征树木冠形、干冠协调性、生长和干形4个综合因子指数,并利用这4个指数构建美景度与单木个体质量特征关系的二次多项式模型。依据二次多项式模型预测的单木美景度值和林木生长势,利用聚类和Topsis方法,将人工油松风景林分为景观主体木(Ⅰ)、景观有益木(Ⅱ)、景观有害木(Ⅲ)3个等级,并进一步划分为景观提景木(Ⅰ1)、景观核心木(Ⅰ2)、景观辅助木(Ⅱ1)、景观潜力木(Ⅱ2)、景观有害木(Ⅲ1)和景观障景木(Ⅲ2)6个亚类。

关键词: 风景林, 林木分级, 美景度, 生长势, 油松


Tree grading is one of important foundation works in thinning of young- and middle-age stands, however tree grading techniques for scenic forests are not reported. In this study, 554 individual trees in 13 different stands of Pinus tabulaeformis scenic plantation in Xishan Forest Farm of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Landscape and Forestry were targeted to study 9 morphological indicators and 3 growth indicators, and the model between scenic beauty values and those morphological indicators and growth indicators was established for the tree grading. The integrate indicator method was applied to construct the tree height, DBH and crown growth potential. Results showed that the relationships between scenic beauty value and morphological, growth indicators were in multiple ways rather than only in linear way. Annual average increment of tree height, straightness of trunk, the ratio of DBH to tree height changed in quadratic curve way with change of SBE grades, and crown volume, annual average increment of DBH, annual average increment of crown width, crown length ratio, stretch degree of crown, growth potential changed in a positive linear trend with change of SBE grades, and the ratio of death crown length to total crown length changed in a negative linear trend with change of SBE grades. Thus the relationships between SBE value and morphological and growth indicators could be well described by non-linear model. Integrate indices which could describe tree crown morphology, harmony between trunk and crown, tree growth and trunk form were constructed according to factor analysis results. The sampled P. tabulaeformins trees were divided into 3 classes and 6 subclasses by means of systematical clustering using morphological and growth potential indicators. Class one (Ⅰ) is named as key trees of in-stand landscape and it could further be divided into quality upgrade trees of in-stand landscape (Ⅰ1) and framework trees of in-stand landscape (Ⅰ2). Class two (Ⅱ) is named as beneficial trees of in-stand landscape and it could further be divided into adjuvant trees of in-stand landscape (Ⅱ1) and potential trees of in-stand landscape (Ⅱ2). Class three (Ⅲ) is named as harmful trees of in-stand landscape and it could be divided into harmful trees of in-stand landscape (Ⅲ1) and destructive trees of in-stand landscape (Ⅲ2).

Key words: scenic forest, tree classification, scenic beauty, growth potential, Pinus tabulaeformis
