
林业科学 ›› 2007, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (06): 94-99.doi: 10.11707/j.1001-7488.20070617

• 论文及研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇


谢寿安1,2 吕淑杰1 Axel Shopf2 何惠勇3   

  1. 1.西北农林科技大学林学院,杨凌712100;2.奥地利维也纳自然资源与应用生物学大学森林与土壤科学系,维也纳A-1190;3.宁夏银川市西干渠苗圃,银川750001
  • 收稿日期:2006-10-25 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2007-06-25 发布日期:2007-06-25

Changes of Anatomical Characteristics and Cellulose Activity in Xylem Tissue of European Spruce (Picea abies) after Inoculation with the Blue-Stain Fungus Ceratocystis polonica

Xie Shou'an1,2,Lü Shujie1,Axel Shopf2,He Huiyong3   

  1. 1.College of Forestry, Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry Yangling 712100;2.Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences in Vienna A-1190 Vienna;3.Nursery of Xigangqu of Yinchuan, Ningxia Yinchuan 750001
  • Received:2006-10-25 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2007-06-25 Published:2007-06-25


选择奥地利境内阿尔卑斯山健康欧洲云杉为对象,研究室内接种蓝变真菌(Ceratocystis polonica)引起的寄主树木韧皮部和木质部解剖学特征的变化,揭示蓝变真菌引起欧洲云杉枯萎的机制。结果表明:接种1周后的4株欧洲云杉的木质部组织内,蓝变区域显著增加,4~6周后蓝变区域不再增加;而在接种无菌琼脂的2株对照欧洲云杉的木质部组织内,没有检测到蓝变区域。采用生物化学分析和组织定位技术,确定接种真菌和无菌琼脂的欧洲云杉木质部区域纤维素酶的分布和活性变化。接种2周后剥皮取样检测,接种真菌的4株欧洲云杉的木质部组织内纤维素酶含量大幅度增加,其等电聚焦电泳显示明显的纤维素酶酶带;而在接种无菌琼脂的欧洲云杉木质部区域,纤维素酶含量分布较少,其等电聚焦电泳显示微弱的纤维素酶酶带。进一步证明蓝变真菌分泌的纤维素酶能利用寄主欧洲云杉木质部的纤维素,蓝变真菌是致死阿尔卑斯山境内欧洲云杉的重要病原菌。

关键词: 解剖特征, 蓝变真菌, 纤维素酶活性, 欧洲云杉, 等电聚焦电泳技术


The blue-stain fungus Ceratocystis polonica, a virulent fungal associate of the spruce bark beetle Ips typographus, is pathogenic to European spruce (Picea abies) in Europe. The wilting mechanism in P. abies after inoculation with C. polonica was examined based on anatomical studies of the phloem and xylem of periodically harvested trees. In a field experiment, the blue-stained sapwood area of European spruce was measured in response to inoculation with C. polonica, four vigorous, mature European spruce trees were mass-inoculated with C. polonica at a density of four inoculations per dm2 within a 120-cm-wide band on the lower bole. Two other trees were inoculated with sterile agar and served as controls. In four trees that had been inoculated with the fungus, blue-stained sapwood area increased dramatically within the first weeks after inoculation until no blue-stained sapwood area was measurable 4~6 weeks after inoculation. No obvious blue-stained sapwood area were recorded in the two control trees. Biochemical analysis and histochemical localization techniques were used to assess changes and distribution of cellulase in the xylem fraction. It was shown that, in maturing xylem tissue that inoculated with sterile agar for two weeks, a small amount of the cellulase activity signal was found. However, high cellulase activity was detected in the xylem tissue of four trees that had been inoculated with C. polonica after two weeks. An isoelectric-focusing electrophoresis of the extracted protein displayed obvious isozyme bands of cellulose for the inoculation treatment. This proved that C. polonica can secrete cellulase to utilize cellulose of xylem in host trees. The results confirm the ability of C. polonica to kill mature European spruce trees in the Alps.

Key words: anatomical characteristics, Ceratocystis polonica, cellulose activity, European spruce, isoelectric-focusing electrophoresis