林业科学 ›› 2006, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (10): 133-138.doi: 10.11707/j.1001-7488.20061024
• 研究简报 • 上一篇 下一篇
沈海龙1 杨玲1 张建瑛1 冯丹丹1 范少辉2
Shen Hailong1,YangLing1,Zhang Jianying1,Feng Dandan1,Fan Shaohui2
关键词: 花楸树, 种子休眠, 离体胚培养, 低温催芽
Influencing factors to seed dormancy and germination characteristics of Sorbus pohuashanensis were studied. These factors included the morphological development of embryos,the mechanical obstruction of the seed coat,the water and air permeability of seed coat,and the biologic inhibition of extracts from different parts of seed. The results showed that when the seeds of Sorbus pohuashanensis became mature,the morphological development of the embryos was complete. The influencing effect of the mechanical obstruction,the water and permeability of seed coat for seed germination was little; there were inhibited substances to the seed of cabbage germination in seed coat and embryo,the germination depressor could be fat soluble substances. This indicated that the dormant degree was different for the different embryo parts. Cotyledon and hypocotyl was in low degree dormancy,whereas radicle and epicotyl was in high degree dormancy. To some extent,the germination rate of in vitro cultured embryos was increased with detruncating cotyledon and radicle treament. A 1∶3 mixture of seeds and sharp sand at low temperature in favor of removing dormancy. Treated by 200 mg·L-1 6-BA for 24 h,then remained in low temperature (0~5 ℃),seeds could germinated well (the germination rate could reached 31.56% in 3 month treatment). ABA completely inhibited the germination of seed,warm-cold varied temperature treatment did not promote the removing of dormancy of seed.
Key words: Sorbus pohuashanesis, seed dormancy, in vitro embryo culture, cold stratification
沈海龙 杨玲 张建瑛 冯丹丹 范少辉. 花楸树种子休眠影响因素与萌发特性研究[J]. 林业科学, 2006, 42(10): 133-138.
Shen Hailong;YangLing;Zhang Jianying;Feng Dandan;Fan Shaohui. Influencing Factors to Seed Dormancy and Germination Characteristics of Sorbus pohuashanensis[J]. Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2006, 42(10): 133-138.
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