林业科学 ›› 2020, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (3): 144-155.doi: 10.11707/j.1001-7488.20200315
Ziqiang Zhang1,Yi Li2,Lan Gao2,*
Lan Gao
目的: 揭示农户林地转出行为的门限效应,识别门限特征及其不同门限区域内关键影响因素的非线性作用,为完善林地流转政策提供决策参考。方法: 基于国家林业局2016年集体林权制度改革监测数据及2017年广东和贵州的农户调查数据,分地块构建农户转出林地规模的面板数据,从权能匹配视角选择农户营林规模为门限变量,以家庭收入水平、务农劳动力规模和是否具有林权证为解释变量,运用门限回归模型,实证检验农户林地转出规模的门限效应与各影响因素的非线性作用。结果: 1)当以家庭收入水平和以务农劳动力规模为解释变量时,门限估计显示农户营林规模均存在双重门限,其值分别为18 hm2和20 hm2;当以是否具有林权证为解释变量时,农户营林规模仅有单一门限,其值为33.4 hm2。2)当农户营林规模大于18 hm2时,家庭收入水平对林地转出规模具有显著正向影响,且当营林规模大于20 hm2时,其影响系数明显更大;当农户营林规模小于18 hm2时,务农劳动力规模对林地转出规模具有显著负向影响,而当营林规模大于18 hm2且小于20 hm2时其又具有显著正向影响;当农户营林规模分别小于和大于33.4 hm2时,是否具有林权证对林地转出规模分别具有负向和正向影响,但不显著。根据农户营林规模的门限值对样本进行分组后再回归,以检验估计结果的稳健性,发现各解释变量的影响显著程度与门限估计结果有差异,但方向一致。结论: 农户林地转出行为并不是单向或线性的,关键因素的作用是非线性的。只在一定营林规模水平下,家庭收入的提高才明显促进农户转出林地规模,表明降低农户的林地依赖度未必能促进林地流转。在不同营林规模门限区域内,务农劳动力规模对农户林地转出规模的影响方向不同,即加快农村劳动力转移也未必就能促进林地流转。林地确权对农户林地转出规模的影响也是双向的且均不显著,即林地产权稳定对促进林地流转的重要性不如政策预期。完善林地流转政策需要关注农户行为的门限效应,坚持放松约束未必能促进农村林地流转,甚至可能存在相反作用,制度供给可考虑不同条件下林地流转差异化诉求,加大政策执行弹性与优先序,以提高制度绩效,促进林地规模经营。
张自强,李怡,高岚. 农户林地转出规模的门限效应——基于集体林权制度改革监测数据的实证检验[J]. 林业科学, 2020, 56(3): 144-155.
Ziqiang Zhang,Yi Li,Lan Gao. Threshold Effect of the Size of Household Forestland Transfer——Empirical Test Based on Monitoring Data of Collective Forest Tenure Reform[J]. Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2020, 56(3): 144-155.
变量 Variables | 简称 Abbreviation | 变量说明 Variable description | 均值 Mean | 标准差 Std. deviation |
转出林地面积Transferred forest area/hm2 | Outflow area | 农户已转出林地面积 Total area of farmer’s transferred forestland | 8.628 | 20.512 |
营林规模Forestland management area/hm2 | Forestland | 农户现有林地经营面积 Farmer’s forestland management area | 5.625 | 15.581 |
务农劳动力规模Scale of farming labor force | Labor | 家庭务农劳动力数Number of household labors | 2.860 | 1.371 |
家庭收入水平Household income level | Income | 家庭收入在村里水平的自我评价:较高=3,中 等=2,较低=1 Self-evaluation of family income at village level: higher=3, medium=2, lower=1 | 1.914 | 0.529 |
是否有林权证 Whether it has forest ownership certificate | Certificate | 是=1,否=0 Yes=1, not=0 | 0.901 | 0.3 |
年龄Age/a | Age | 户主年龄Age of head of household | 54.432 | 10.883 |
受教育程度Level of education | Edu | 户主受教育程度:小学及以下=6,初中=9, 高中=12,大专或本科及以上=16 Educational level of householders: primary school and below=6, junior high school=9, senior high school=12, junior college or undergraduate or above=16 | 8.352 | 2.358 |
是否为用材林Whether it is timber forest or not | Timber | 是=1,否=0 Yes=1, not=0 | 0.264 | 0.441 |
是否为经济林 Whether it is economic forest or not | Economic forest | 是=1,否=0 Yes=1, not=0 | 0.171 | 0.377 |
是否为竹林Whether it is bamboo or not | Bamboo | 是=1,否=0 Yes=1, not=0 | 0.075 | 0.264 |
近3年是否有森林灾害Whether it has forest disaster in the past three years or not | Disaster | 是=1,否=0 Yes=1, not=0 | 0.014 | 0.116 |
林地是否流转给本村村民Whether the woodland is transferred to the villagers or not | Native villager | 是=1,否=0 Yes=1, not=0 | 0.250 | 0.434 |
是否有林权抵押贷款Whether participation in forestry mortgage loan or not | Mortgage | 是=1,否=0 Yes=1, not=0 | 0.030 | 0.171 |
是否参与森林保险Whether participation in forest insurance or not | Insurance | 是=1,否=0 Yes=1, not=0 | 0.382 | 0.486 |
对采伐管制满意度 Satisfaction with logging control | Logging | 满意=3,一般=2,不满意=1 Satisfaction=3, general=2, dissatisfaction=1 | 1.950 | 1.250 |
变量Variables | 频数Frequency | 频率Rate(%) |
营林规模Forestland management area/hm2 | ||
< 2 | 87 | 37.8 |
[2, 7] | 76 | 33.0 |
(7, 14] | 22 | 9.6 |
>14 | 45 | 19.6 |
转出林地面积Transferred forest area/hm2 | ||
< 2 | 63 | 27.4 |
[2, 7] | 83 | 36.1 |
(7, 14] | 34 | 14.8 |
>14 | 50 | 21.7 |
转出地块数Number of transferred plots | ||
< 2 | 103 | 44.9 |
[2, 4] | 115 | 49.7 |
>4 | 12 | 5.4 |
解释变量 Explanatory variables | 门限个数 Threshold number | F | P | Crit10 | Crit5 | Crit1 |
Income | 双重门限Double threshold | 26.99*** | 0.000 | 12.717 | 15.199 | 19.337 |
三重门限Triple threshold | 5.94 | 0.470 | 62.857 | 95.217 | 140.190 | |
Labor | 双重门限Double threshold | 15.19** | 0.020 | 9.440 | 10.285 | 22.536 |
三重门限Triple threshold | 7.15 | 0.100 | 5.650 | 17.730 | 17.729 | |
Certificate | 单一门限Single threshold | 10.15 | 0.095 | 9.856 | 12.675 | 15.926 |
双重门限Double threshold | 3.40 | 0.600 | 7.658 | 7.658 | 7.658 |
变量Variables | 系数1 Coefficient 1 | 标准误1 Standard error 1 | 系数2 Coefficient 2 | 标准误2 Standard error 2 | 系数3 Coefficient 3 | 标准误3 Standard error 3 |
Age | -0.063 | 0.048 | -0.104* | 0.059 | -0.118* | 0.060 |
Edu | 0.079 | 0.213 | 0.142 | 0.260 | 0.132 | 0.263 |
Labor | -0.846** | 0.395 | -0.666 | 0.497 | ||
Income | 1.702* | 1.002 | 1.918* | 1.019 | ||
Timber | 0.585 | 1.818 | 0.407 | 2.229 | -0.116 | 2.336 |
Economic forest | 2.054 | 1.783 | 1.329 | 2.185 | 0.143 | 2.299 |
Bamboo | -0.853 | 2.464 | 0.806 | 2.994 | 1.302 | 3.132 |
Certificate | 0.671 | 1.576 | -0.408 | 1.938 | ||
Disaster | -1.614 | 3.252 | -1.196 | 3.994 | -1.165 | 4.102 |
Native villager | -0.380 | 1.245 | -0.862 | 1.512 | -1.541 | 1.562 |
Mortgage | -76.212*** | 7.601 | -50.145*** | 8.917 | -36.974 | 8.598 |
Insurance | 0.792 | 1.620 | 1.254 | 1.974 | 1.766*** | 2.018 |
Logging | 0.180 | 0.488 | -0.498 | 0.583 | -0.625 | 0.599 |
Constant | 3.246 | 4.537 | 6.853 | 5.494 | 8.540 | 5.636 |
Income(forestland < 18 hm2) | 0.874 | 0.834 | ||||
Income(18 hm2≤forestland < 20 hm2) | 4.157** | 1.890 | ||||
Income(20 hm2≤forestland) | 28.491*** | 2.526 | ||||
Labor (forestland < 18 hm2) | -0.943* | 0.485 | ||||
Labor (18 hm2 ≤forestland < 20 hm2) | 4.022*** | 1.336 | ||||
Labor (20 hm2≤forestland) | -0.019 | 0.816 | ||||
Certificate(forestland < 33.4 hm2) | -1.683 | 1.982 | ||||
Certificate(33.4 hm2≤forestland) | 4.015 | 4.040 | ||||
sigma_u | 61.532 | 75.984 | 78.711 | |||
sigma_e | 82.454 | 101.17 | 104.216 | |||
rho | 0.358 | 0.361 | 0.363 | |||
F | 1.62*** | 1.48** | 1.51** |
变量 Variables | Forestland < 18 hm2 固定效应 Fixed effect | 18 hm2≤Forestland < 20 hm2 固定效应 Fixed effect | Forestland≥20 hm2 随机效应 Random effects | Forestland < 33.4 hm2 固定效应 Fixed effect | Forestland≥33.4 hm2 随机效应 Random effects |
Labor | -0.013 (2.639) | 0.055* (5.322) | -5.472 (67.813) | ||
Income | 0.287* (5.398) | 0.374* (7.540) | 3.184 (65.882) | ||
Certificate | -1.102 (30.094) | 1.654 (21.641) | |||
Control variables | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Constant | -0.575 (29.422) | 0.504 (57.451) | 60.709 (771.711) | 6.584 (85.961) | 13.466 (231.437) |
sigma_u | 32.178 | 24.752 | 52.099 | 79.528 | 133.563 |
sigma_e | 33.976 | 51.364 | 68.376 | 104.671 | 39.993 |
rho | 0.473 | 0.511 6 | 0.367 | 0.366 | 0.918 |
F | 1.78* | 1.64* | 2.57*** | ||
Wald | 17.64* | 76.09*** |
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