
林业科学 ›› 2016, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (2): 74-81.doi: 10.11707/j.1001-7488.20160209

• 论文与研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘生冬1,2, 孟庆繁3, 高文韬3, 李燕3   

  1. 1. 东北林业大学林学院 哈尔滨 150040;
    2. 吉林省林业调查规划院 长春 130022;
    3. 北华大学林学院 吉林 132013
  • 收稿日期:2014-08-28 修回日期:2015-10-14 出版日期:2016-02-25 发布日期:2016-03-25
  • 通讯作者: 孟庆繁
  • 基金资助:

Cerambycidae Species Diversity and Temporal Dynamics of Adults emergence in Broad-Leaved Korean Pine Forest of Southern Zhangguangcai Mountains

Liu Shengdong1,2, Meng Qingfan3, Gao Wentao3, Li Yan3   

  1. 1. College of Forestry, Northeast Forestry University Harbin 150040;
    2. Investigation and Plan Institute of Jilin Province Changchun 130022;
    3. College of Forestry, Beihua University Jilin 132013
  • Received:2014-08-28 Revised:2015-10-14 Online:2016-02-25 Published:2016-03-25

摘要: [目的] 通过高频次的调查采集,比较不同时间天牛科成虫物种组成的差异,在科学描述各种类天牛成虫活跃期时间动态规律的同时,对天牛成虫活跃期进行精确比较,为害虫的种群监测和生物指示种的利用提供参考。[方法] 2012-2013年在张广才岭南段蛟河林业实验区管理局阔叶红松林内,利用拦截诱捕器系统调查天牛科昆虫物种多样性的时间动态,并对11个天牛成虫标本回收时间点进行数量化系统分析。[结果] 共采集到天牛科昆虫成虫标本1252号,隶属7亚科41属64种,其中,稀有种44种,占物种总数的68.75%。该区多次普查未记录到的棍腿纹虎天牛被采集到的频度很高。不同时间天牛科昆虫物种数量和个体数量有显著差异,其成虫高峰期出现在6月下旬至7月中旬,然后逐渐下降,9月上旬物种数和个体数量最低; 6月与7月天牛科昆虫的相似性最高,达到中等相似水平。锯天牛亚科(220±10)和瘦天牛亚科(220±10)成虫出现的平均顺序日期显著高于其他亚科;天牛亚科(187±25)、沟胫天牛亚科(187±24)、花天牛亚科(183±25)、锥天牛亚科(177±15)和膜花天牛亚科(175±13)成虫出现的平均顺序日期无显著差异。[结论] 在顺序日期170、180和190时,天牛群落羽化或活跃达到高峰,同时,这个时间也是植物开花的盛期,部分具有访花行为的天牛成虫大量出来活动,天牛群落表现出较高物种多样性。本研究天牛科昆虫成虫活跃时间分布格局与Hanks等研究加拿大天牛科昆虫成虫的分布时间相似,但由于两地环境条件以及天牛区系等不同,本研究的高峰时间有所提前。在全部天牛种类中,不同天牛种类成虫活跃期开始时间、活跃期持续时间等均不相同,反映出天牛成虫羽化时间或活跃期的多样性。有13种天牛成虫只在一次调查中被采集到,说明这些种类成虫活跃期相对较短,对环境变化比较敏感。对优势天牛种类成虫活跃的高峰期应该给予更多的关注,尤其对一些具有潜在成灾风险的种类进行种群监测具有重要的价值。

关键词: 张广才岭南段, 阔叶红松林, 天牛科昆虫, 物种多样性, 成虫活跃期, 时间动态

Abstract: [Objective] By frequently investigating and collecting specimens of Cerambycidae adults, the species composition was compared in different times. Flight activity period of Cerambycidae adults were described scientifically and compared precisely, which is important for monitoring pest and making use of biological indicator species.[Method] Temporal dynamics of species diversity of Cerambycidae were systematically surveyed in broad-leaved Korean pine forest of Jiaohe Forestry Experimental Administration in southern Zhangguangcai Mountains, Jilin Province with flying intercepted traps from 2012 to 2013, and by systematically quantitative analysis of 11 different specimen collection time.[Result] a total of 1252 Cerambycidae adults specimens, belonging to 7 subfamilies, 41 genera, 64 species were caught by intercepted traps, including 44 rare species, accounting for 68.75% of the species number. Anaglyptus colobotheoidae, recorded in the first time in this area, was collected frequently. The species number and individual number were significantly different in different collection time, the peak time of the numbers of species and individuals of Cerambycidae adults occured from late June to middle July, and then the numbers gradually deceased to the lowest in early September. The similarity of Cerambycidae was the highest between June and July, and reached moderate similarity. The mean ordinal dates of Aseminae(220±10)and Disteniinae(220±10)adult emergence were significantly higher than that of other subfamilies. Cerambycinae(187±25), Lamiinae(187±24), Lepturinae(183±25), Aseminae(177±15) and Necydalinae(175±13) adult emergence were not significantly different in the mean ordinal dates.[Conclusion] The peak time of the eclosion and activity of Cerambycidae is in ordinal dates 170, 180, and 190, by which most of plants are in full blooms, thus many Cerambycidae adults with flower-visiting behavior begin activity, and Cerambycidae shows higher species diversity. The flight activity period distribution of Cerambycidae adults in this study is similar to that of Hanks et al. in Canada, and the peak time of flight activity period in this study is earlier. The beginning time of activation and duration are different for different species, which shows the diversity of the eclosion time and activity period of Cerambycidae. Thirteen species of Cerambycidae appear only in a sampling time, indicating that the activity time of these species adults are short, and sensitive to environmental change. The activation peak time of dominant species should receive more attention, especially for potential hazards species.

Key words: southern Zhangguangcai Mountains, broad-leaved Korean pine forest, Cerambycidae, species diversity, flight activity period, temporal dynamics
