林业科学 ›› 2012, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (5): 173-179.doi: 10.11707/j.1001-7488.20120528
• 研究简报 • 上一篇 下一篇
王立海, 潘明旭, 段铁成, 王秋实, 胡斌
Wang Lihai, Pan Mingxu, Duan Tiecheng, Wang Qiushi, Hu Bin
关键词: 伐木作业, 标准姿势, 锯切周期, 心率, 坡度
The effect of different slopes and pushing force on the heart rate of loggers in standard posture as well as on the one cutting cycle was studied in this paper. According to the questionnaire from experts, the weight of each analysis factor was obtained and AHP method was adopted to conclude the standard posture based on experiment. After comparison on the data that's got from experiment with mathematical statistics method, it was concluded that, under three different slopes, different pushing force had significant effect on the cutting cycle with standard posture. But the pushing force did not have much impact on the heart rate of the loggers at zero degree slope. Meanwhile, large pushing force and moderate pushing force did not affect the heart rate significantly when the slope is fifteen degree, and the opposite result is with small force. At thirty degree slope, each pushing force had significant effect on the heart rate of loggers. The research may provide as a guide to the loggers in reasonable pushing force selection at different slopes, which is beneficial for the forestry production department to draft relevant operating standards in order to guarantee the working efficiency as well as the safety and physical health of loggers.
Key words: felling, standard posture, felling cut cycle, heart rate, slope
王立海;潘明旭;段铁成;王秋实;胡斌. 不同坡度及作用力对伐木作业者心率及伐木锯切周期的影响[J]. 林业科学, 2012, 48(5): 173-179.
Wang Lihai;Pan Mingxu;Duan Tiecheng;Wang Qiushi;Hu Bin. Effects of Different Slopes and Pushing Force on Felling Cut Cycle and the Heart Rate of Loggers[J]. Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2012, 48(5): 173-179.
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