林业科学 ›› 2010, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (4): 166-170.doi: 10.11707/j.1001-7488.20100426
• 研究简报 • 上一篇 下一篇
徐金梅1 赵荣军1 吕建雄1 任海青1 Robert Evans2 Yang Junli2
Xu Jinmei1,Zhao Rongjun1,Lü Jianxiong1, Ren Haiqing1,Robert Evans2,Yang Junli 2
关键词: 实心瓜多竹, 微纤丝角, SilviScan-3, 变异规律
To investigate the microfibril angle (MFA) variation with respect to positions along longitudinal direction (bottom, middle and top of culm) and radial direction (from inner part to outer part of culm wall) of Guadua amplexifolia, MFA was measured by SilviScan-3 and X’Pert Pro(XRD). There was no significant difference between MFA measured by SilviScan-3 and XRD. Simple coefficient of correlation was 0.84.The mean MFA measured by SilviScan-3 and XRD were 8.2° and 8.8° respectively, and varied from 6.2° to 17.8° and from 6.9° to 12.2°. Compared with XRD, SilviScan-3 provided a continuous and more rapid method for determining MFA variation in bamboo culm. According to results of SilviScan-3, MFA in bottom was higher than that of in middle which was higher than that of in top of culm. Maximum MFA occur in inner layer, MFA decreased rapidly from inner layer to 2 mm, and fluctuated stably from 2 to 6.5 mm, and then increased subtly from 6.5 mm to outer layer. The radial tendency of MFA in the bottom was similar to that in middle and top of culm.
Key words: Guadua amplexifolia, microfibril angle, SilviScan-3, variation
徐金梅 赵荣军 吕建雄 任海青 Robert Evans Yang Junli. 利用SilviScan-3测定实心瓜多竹微纤丝角[J]. 林业科学, 2010, 46(4): 166-170.
Xu Jinmei;Zhao Rongjun;Lü Jianxiong;Ren Haiqing;Robert Evans;Yang Junli . Microfibril Angle of Guadua amplexifolia Bamboo Measured by SilviScan-3[J]. Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2010, 46(4): 166-170.
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