Interspecific Association of Dominant Shrub Species in Cold Temperate Coniferous Forest in Ma Kehe Region of San Jiangyuan National Nature Reserve
He Youjun1,2,Cui Guofa1,Zou Dalin1,3,Zheng Jie4,Dong Jiansheng4,Li Yongbo4,Hao Wancheng5,Li Changming5
1.College of Nature Reserve, Beijing Forestry University Beijing 100083; 2.Research Institute of Forestry Policyand Information, Chinese Academy of Forestry Beijing 100091; 3.Forestry Bureau of Huairou District in Beijing Beijing 101400; 4.Forestry Bureau of Qinghai Province Xining 810007; 5.Ma Kehe Forestry Bureau,Qinghai Province Banma 814300
He Youjun;Cui Guofa;Zou Dalin;Zheng Jie;Dong Jiansheng;Li Yongbo;Hao Wancheng;Li Changming. Interspecific Association of Dominant Shrub Species in Cold Temperate Coniferous Forest in Ma Kehe Region of San Jiangyuan National Nature Reserve[J]. Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2006, 42(12): 126-129.