
林业科学 ›› 2004, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (2): 68-74.doi: 10.11707/j.1001-7488.20040212

• 论文及研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇


马阿滨 王伟英 孙宝刚   

  1. 黑龙江省林业科学院,哈尔滨150040
  • 收稿日期:2002-09-27 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2004-03-25 发布日期:2004-03-25

Study on the Sustainable Development Criteria System and Measurement for Heilongjiang Forest Industrial Region

Ma Abin Wang,Weiying,Sun Baogang   

  1. Heilongjiang Academy of Forestry Harbin150040
  • Received:2002-09-27 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2004-03-25 Published:2004-03-25


讨论分析了黑龙江森工林区作为国家用材林基地的可持续发展问题。森工林区可持续发展就是使森工林区人口、资源、环境相互协调,平衡当前和长远的利益,满足国家和区域经济发展的要求,并且真正实现生态效益、经济效益和社会效益的统一。根据这个原则,提出了黑龙江森工林区可持续发展指标体系及其评价方法。指标体系结构分为三个层次:目标层、类指标层、指标变量层。以森工林区可持续发展为目标,以森林生态效益持续发挥、林业经济效益不断提高、林区社会效益长期稳定为类指标,以择伐林地面积比例、第三产业产值比例、工资保障情况等27项为指标变量。按照这个指标体系,首先确定各单项指标的标志值,得到各单项指标实现率。然后以各单项指标实现率为基础,经归一化处理得到类指标的实现率。再经加权计算得到目标层得分。据此可对森工林区的发展状况做出分项和综合的评价。以第五次森林资源清查数据及其对应年度的统计数据为例,得出目标层得分为0.5063,森工林区处于弱可持续发展状态。类指标层得分分别为:生态效益0.5390 ,对目标层得分的贡献占16.17% ;经济效益0.4969,占19.88% ;社会效益0.485 9,占14.58%。

关键词: 森工林区, 可持续发展, 指标体系, 评价方法


The sustainable development of Heilongjiang forest industrial region of the national commercial forest base was analyzed in this paper. It was very important for this area that the coordination between the region's population, resources and environment, the benefit of short and long term,the requirement between the nation and the regional, and the unifying of economic and social benefit. According to this principle, the criteria system and measurement method of the sustainable development of forest industrial region were put forward. The criteria system was made of three layers: target, category criteria and criteria. The sustainable development of forest industrial region was target, the sustainable development of forest ecological benefit, sustainable development of forest economic benefit and sustainable development of forest social benefit were category criteria, the selection cutting forest area rate, tertiary industry value rate and wages safety case, etc. 27 variables were in the criteria layer. According to above criteria system, the mark value of the criterion was made sure firstly and the realization ratio of the criterion was obtained. Then on the basis of the realization ratio of the criteria, the realization ratio of the category criteria was obtained by normalization, and again doing the weighted calculation got the realization ratio of the target layer. On these grounds, situation of the forest industrial region can be evaluated respectively and synthetically. Take the data of the fifth forest resources check and the data of the statistics with the criteria system as examples, the target layer realization ratio was 0.5603, that means the forest industrial region was in the state of weak sustainable development. At the category criteria layer, the forest ecological benefit realization ratio was 0.5390, 16.17 percent of the target layer. The forest economic benefit realization ratio was 0.4969, 19.88 percent. The forest social benefit realization ratio was 0.4859, 14.58 percent.

Key words: Forest industrial region, Sustainable development, Criteria system, Measurement method