
林业科学 ›› 2011, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (4): 121-128.doi: 10.11707/j.1001-7488.20110419

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韩宗先1, 王维2, 胡锦矗3   

  1. 1. 长江师范学院生命科学与技术学院 涪陵 408100;2. 重庆市林业局 重庆 400015;3. 西华师范大学珍稀动植物研究所 南充 637002
  • 收稿日期:2009-10-19 修回日期:2010-03-21 出版日期:2011-04-25 发布日期:2011-04-25

Habitat Selection by Francois' Langur in Jinfo Mountain in Spring

Han Zongxian1, Wang Wei2, Hu Jinchu3   

  1. 1. School of Life Science and Technology, Yangtze Normal University Fuling 408100;2. Chongqing Forestry Bureau Chongqing 400015;3. Institute of Rare Animals and Plants, China West Normal University Nanchong 637002
  • Received:2009-10-19 Revised:2010-03-21 Online:2011-04-25 Published:2011-04-25


2007年3—5月,在金佛山自然保护区调查黑叶猴对生境的选择和利用情况,采用资源选择函数和资源选择指数进行分析,结果表明: 影响黑叶猴生境选择的关键因子是上层乔木郁闭度、灌木胸径、人为干扰、洞穴距离。黑叶猴喜欢在郁闭度大于0.5、乔木和灌木密度大于21棵 ·(400 m2)-1、灌木胸径大于8 cm、人为干扰大于1 000 m、洞穴距离小于500 m、水源距离小于250 m、南坡的乔木-灌木混交林活动。黑叶猴的生境资源选择函数为: logit(P)=-21.964+2.126×DBH+2.108×CA+2.081×HD-1.829×DC(DBH为灌木胸径,CA为上层乔木郁闭度,HD为人为干扰距离,DC为洞穴距离)。黑叶猴对生境的选择概率为: P=elogit (P)/(1+elogit(P))。

关键词: 黑叶猴, 生境选择, 资源选择函数, 资源选择指数


Habitat selection of Francois' Langur (Trachypithecus francoisi francoisi)was studied by using Resource Selection Functions and Resource Selection Index in the Jinfo Mountain Natural Reserve from March to May of 2007. The results indicated that the key factors notably influencing habitat selection were canopy density, shrub size, human disturbance and distance of cave. Francois' Langurs preferred the tree-shrub forests in the area studied with higher canopy density(CA)(>0.5), higher density of tree and shrub ·(400 m2)-1], greater shrub DBH(>8 cm), far from human disturbance (HD) (>1 000 m), closer the cave and near water source (<250 m). Francois' Langurs preferred habitats with a southward aspect. Resource selection functions is a log-linear model: logit (P)=-21.964+2.126×DBH+2.108×CA+2.081×HD-1.829×DC. From this model, we can estimate a habitat selection probability: P=elogit (P)/(1+elogit(P)).

Key words: Francois' Langur (Trachypithecus francoisi francoisi), habitat selection, resource selection functions (RSFs), resource selection index
