
›› 1987, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (zj1): 1-11.

• 论文及研究报告 •    下一篇


郑均宝 裴保华 王文熬   

  1. 河北林学院沙河林场
  • 收稿日期:1985-03-12 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1987-11-25 发布日期:1987-11-25


Zheng Junbao,Pei Baohua,Wang Wen'ao   

  1. Hebei College of Forestry;Shahe Forest Farm
  • Received:1985-03-12 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1987-11-25 Published:1987-11-25

摘要: 为了解决在地下水埋藏较深的沙地是否可以深栽造林这一问题,我们于1980—1984年选用沙兰杨、意大利-214杨、毛白杨知榆等树种,在冲积沙地上设计了50、100、150、200、罢50cm的深栽造林试验,逐年观测了栽植深度对成活率、保存率和生长量的影响。五年的试验结果是:深栽沙兰杨、意大利-214杨和毛白杨,其成活率为对照的1.4—9.5倍,保存率为对照的1.0—8.9倍。深栽后第五年沙兰杨的高、径总生长量为对照的134—162%,意大利-214杨为对照的113—122%,毛白杨为对照的108—112%。榆深栽未能提高成活率和生长量。各树种深栽都能增加根系干重,一般为对照的1.45—1.71倍。因此,在地下水位深达 3m以.下的沙地上,沙兰杨、意大利-214杨和毛白杨适宜的栽植深度为100—150cm。

Abstract: Seven tree species have been choosed for the Study of deep planting in Sand soil.They are Populus×euramericana(Dode)Guinier cv.Sacrau 79,P.X euramericana(Dode)Guinier cv.I-214,P.Xeuramericana cv.Polska-15A,P.Tomentosa Carr.,Ulmus pumila L.,Ailanthus aItissima(Mill) Swingle and Robinia pseudoacacia L.The depth of planting is 50CK,100, 150,200,and 250era respectively.The survival rate,reserVe rate and growth rate have been observed for 5 years.The results Show that the surviral rate of the deep planted poplars is 1.4—9.5 times as high as that of CK (50era)and the re serve rate is 1—8.9 times as high as that of CK.After five years,the tree height and diameter at breast height and diameter at breast he'ight and diameter at breast height of P.Xeuramericana CV.Sacrau,P.Xeuramericana CV.I-214 and P.Tomentosa are 1.34—1.62,1.13—1.22 and 1.08—1.22 times than those of CK respectively.Deep-planted Ulmus pumila has not been found any increases in sUrvival rate and growth rate.Ailanthus altissima and Robinia pseudoacacia are not sukable for deep-planting.The study shows that in sand soil area,if underg round water is deeper than 3m,the depth of planting for poplars Should be 100-150cm,