林业科学 ›› 2010, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (3): 178-182.doi: 10.11707/j.1001-7488.20100328
• 研究简报 • 上一篇
孙康 蒋剑春 李静 戴伟娣
Sun Kang,Jiang Jianchun,Li Jing,Dai Weidi
关键词: 紫茎泽兰, 活性炭, N2吸附, 孔径孔容, 热重分析
Eupatoriumadenophorum stem was used to prepare activated carbon using phosphoric acid as activation agent with activation temperature at 550 ℃ and activation duration of 40 min. The influence of impregnation ratios of prepared activated carbon on the adsorption capacity was evaluated, the character and micro-structure were fully studied. Results showed impregnation ratios 2∶1 was optimal and characteristics of activated carbon with a high yield (40.2%) are: specific surface area (SBET) 1 767.9 m2·g-1, total volume 2.261 cm3·g-1, iodine number of adsorbent (qiodine) 1 056 mg·g-1, amount of methylene blue adsorption of adsorbent (qmb) 270 mg·g-1, caramel A decolorization capacity 100% and ash 1.2%. The wide pore size distribution was described by BJH theory and SEM analysis. The activation course was discussed by TG analysis. It is demonstrated that Eupatorium adenophorum is an attractive source of raw material for producing high capacity activated carbon by phosphoric acid activation.
Key words: Eupatorium adenophorum, activated carbon, N2 adsorption, porosity, TG analysis
孙康 蒋剑春 李静 戴伟娣. 紫茎泽兰制备活性炭及其性质[J]. 林业科学, 2010, 46(3): 178-182.
Sun Kang;Jiang Jianchun;Li Jing;Dai Weidi. Preparation and Characterization of Activated Carbon from Eupatorium adenophorum[J]. Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2010, 46(3): 178-182.
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