
林业科学 ›› 2010, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (1): 91-100.doi: 10.11707/j.1001-7488.20100115

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林祁1 邬志荣1 钟学敏2 杨志荣1   

  1. 1.中国科学院植物研究所系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室 北京100093; 2.华南农业大学林学院 广州510642
  • 收稿日期:2008-06-18 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2010-01-25 发布日期:2010-01-25

Comparative Wood Anatomy of Illiciaceae in East Asia

Lin Qi1 ,Wu Zhirong1 ,Zhong Xuemin2 ,Yang Zhirong1   

  1. 1. State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary BotanyInstitute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100093; 2. College of Forestry, South China Agricultural University Guangzhou 510642
  • Received:2008-06-18 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2010-01-25 Published:2010-01-25


对产自东亚的八角科八角属八角组的5种植物和八角茴香组的13种1亚种植物,共43个材料做木材解剖结构比较研究,报道它们的木材解剖特征。因八角科植物木材为散孔材,单管孔,导管分子长、直径小、管壁薄、管孔多角形,端壁高度倾斜,具细密的梯状穿孔,穿孔板上横隔数多,管间纹孔式梯状,单列射线中均有横卧细胞,异形射线Ⅱ型,木薄壁组织少,星散状排列等较原始的木材解剖特征,而从木材解剖方面说明八角科是现存具导管的木本双子叶植物中最为原始的类群之一。根据对八角组和八角茴香组木材性状指标比较,发现2个组之间的木材解剖特征在形态上相似,在数量上有差异。根据对八角科与五味子科木材解剖特征比较,发现二者木材解剖结构的大多数特征一致,表明它们的亲缘关系很近,从而支持建立含八角科和五味子科的八角目; 同时,2个科木材解剖特征又存在一些差异,这些差异支持建立单属的八角科; 比较这些差异,发现八角科较五味子科具有更多的原始性状,从而支持将八角科的系统位置排列在五味子科之前。另外,根据对导管分子易损度的比较,发现八角茴香组的易损度远高于八角组,而从理论上用数量值证实分布于较高海拔和较高纬度的八角组植物受干旱、霜冻胁迫的强度要较八角茴香组植物的大,亦能根据易损度的数量值而区分东亚的此2组植物。

关键词: 八角科, 五味子科, 八角组, 八角茴香组, 木材解剖, 易损度, 东亚


The wood anatomy of 43 collections, from East Asia, of 5 species within Sect. Illicium (Illiciaceae, Illicium Linn.) and 13 species, one subspecies of Sect. Cymbostemon (Spach.) A.C. Smith (Illiciaceae, Illicium Linn.) is investigated by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The wood is diffused porous. Vessel elements are long, narrow, thinwalled, and angular; ends highly oblique; perforation plates are scalariform with many bars; vesselray pitting is scalariform. Rays are heterogeneous II, and uniseriate with procumbent cells. Axial parenchyma is sparse, diffuse arrangement. Most of species in Illiciaceae have above these ancestral features which support the family is one of the most primitively woody groups with vessels in extant dicotyledon. The comparison of the wood anatomic characters between Sect. Illicium and Cymbostemon shows marked quantitive differences. Furthermore, many features are shared in both Illiciaceae and Schisandraceae which suggests that the two families are closely related and it seem reasonable to set up Illiciales including Illiciaceae and Schisandraceae. At the same time, some differences in wood of the two families exist, which support the construction of Illiciaceae only including Illicium and also indicate Illiciaceae may be more primitive than Schisandraceae. Moreover, the vulnerability of Sect. Cymbostemon is found higher than that of Sect. Illicium, which theoretically shows that Sect. Cymbostemon distributed higher altitude and latitude, may suffer more intensity of drought and frost than Sect. Illicium, and the difference of vulnerability also support the division of Illicium into two sections in East Asia.

Key words: Illiciaceae, Schisandraceae, Illicium Sect. Illicium, Illicium Sect. Cymbostemon, wood anatomy, vulnerability, East Asia