
林业科学 ›› 2009, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (5): 115-120.doi: 10.11707/j.1001-7488.20090517

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侯建华1 董建新2 高立杰1 高宝嘉1 李兰会1   

  1. (1.河北农业大学 保定071000; 2.承德民族师范学院 承德067000)
  • 收稿日期:2007-04-12 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2009-05-25 发布日期:2009-05-25
  • 通讯作者: 高宝嘉

Responses of Bird Communities to Restoration of Coniferous Plantations in a Previous Degraded Forest Ecosystem

Hou Jianhua1,Dong Jianxin2,Gao Lijie1,Gao Baojia1,Li Lanhui1   

  1. (1.Hebei Agriculture University Baoding 071000; 2. Hebei Chengde Teacher Colloge Chengde 067000)
  • Received:2007-04-12 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2009-05-25 Published:2009-05-25


2005—2006年夏季在河北塞罕坝地区运用固定样线法对退化森林生态系统人工针叶林恢复形成的40年生人工针叶林鸟类群落进行调查,并同自然恢复形成的天然落叶阔叶林天然针阔混交林进行比较。共记录鸟类39种,分别隶属于8目17科。结果表明: 人工针叶林恢复对退化森林生态系统鸟类群落具有重要影响; 人工针叶林鸟类物种数为(4.14±0.60)种·hm-2,密度为(26.21±7.64)只·hm-2,均高于或显著高于(P=0.018)天然阔叶林,且密度与天然混交林无显著差异(P=0.902),人工针叶林中的沼泽山雀和黄眉柳莺的密度有了显著提高,分别从(2.78±0.67)只·hm-2和(1.21±0.45)只·hm-2增加到(13.57±5.58)只·hm-2(P=0.027)和(5.95±1.56)只·hm-2(P=0.009,0.002),但人工针叶林鸟类群落物种多样性值(H′)较小(0.98±0.10)、均匀度(J)显著较低(0.73±0.04)(P=0.003,0.045); 在鸟类4个取食集团中,人工针叶林有2个取食集团的物种组成与自然恢复无显著差异,但密度却有较大的变化,人工针叶林可以显著提高食虫鸟的密度(P=0.041),但杂食鸟和食谷鸟密度均显著低于天然混交林(P=0.007,0.002)。

关键词: 鸟类群落, 退化森林生态系统, 人工针叶林, 恢复


An investigation was conducted on the bird community in restored coniferous plantations in a previous degraded forest ecosystem of Hebei Saihanba area in summers of 2005 and 2006. The bird communities were with those in the natural deciduous forest and the natural mixed forest. Totally 39 bird species in 17 families and 8 orders were recorded. The results of statistics showed that the coniferous plantations restoration had remarkable effect on the bird communities of the degraded forest ecosystem. Both the number of bird species, (4.14±0.60) species·hm-2 and the bird density,(26.21±7.64) ind·hm-2 in the coniferous plantations were higher or significantly higher than natural deciduous forest (P=0.018), whereas there was no significant difference in the bird densities between the coniferous forest plantations and natural mixed forest(P=0.902). The densities of Parus palustris hellmayriand Phylloscopus inornatus inornatus significantly increased in the coniferous plantations, which increased from 2.78±0.67 ind·hm-2 and (1.21±0.45) ind·hm-2 to (13.57±5.58) ind·hm-2 (P=0.027)and (5.95±1.56) ind·hm-2 (P=0.009,0.002), but the H′ of the coniferous forest plantations was lower (0.98±0.10) and the J was significantly lower (0.73±0.04)(P=0.003,0.045) than natural forests. There were two bird feeding guilds in the coniferous plantations, in which the composition of bird species was no significant difference with the natural recoveryed forests, but their densities had significant variation. The density of insectivore in coniferous forest plantations could improve significantly (P=0.041), but the density of omnivore and gramnivore was significantly lower than the natural mixed forest (P=0.007,0.002).

Key words: bird community, degraded forest ecosystem, coniferous plantations, restoration