林业科学 ›› 2007, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (06): 151-154.doi: 10.11707/j.1001-7488.20070627
• 研究简报 • 上一篇 下一篇
赵钟声 刘一星 沈隽
Zhao Zhongsheng,Liu Yixing,Shen Jun
关键词: 压缩矩形材, 水蒸气处理, 压缩变形固定, 动态热力学分析
The deformation fixation of the compressive Populus ussuriensis and Larix gmelinii solid wood was studied in this paper. Dynamic thermo-mechanical analyzer was used to evaluate the change of the treated wood on different position (compare with the non-compressive control wood). The internal mechanism of compressive solid wood and compressive deformation fixation were discussed by analyzing the effect of steam treatment on dynamic thermo-mechanical parameters of the treated wood, such as loss modulus and loss tangent. The tendency of the wood components such as hemi-cellulose and lignin were also studied in this course. The results showed that with the increasing of surface distance, loss modulus and loss angle tangent decreased in glass state area, the initial glass transition temperature decreased obviously at 0.5 cm away from the surface. So the deformation fixation of the compressive wood is due to the lower molecule weight of lignin and the failure of creep recovery.
Key words: compressive retangle wood, steam treatment, compressive deformation fixation, dynamic thermo-mechanical analsis
赵钟声 刘一星 沈隽. 压缩矩形材的动态热力学分析[J]. 林业科学, 2007, 43(06): 151-154.
Zhao Zhongsheng;Liu Yixing;Shen Jun. Dynamic Thermo-Mechanical Analysis for the Compressive Rectangle Wood[J]. Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2007, 43(06): 151-154.
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