
林业科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 60 ›› Issue (6): 102-110.doi: 10.11707/j.1001-7488.LYKX20220815

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  1. 1. 丽水学院生态学院 丽水 323000
    2. 扎兰屯职业学院 扎兰屯 162650
    3. 丽水市林业局 华东药用植物园科研管理中心 省级博士后科研工作站 丽水 323000
    4. 江西师范大学生命科学学院 南昌 330022
  • 收稿日期:2022-11-15 出版日期:2024-06-25 发布日期:2024-07-16
  • 通讯作者: 魏美才
  • 基金资助:

Revision of the Effective Species Name of Nematus trochanteratus (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae), a Defoliator of Willows in China

Mengmeng Liu1,3,4,Mingxuan Liu1,Yujie Mou2,Zejian Li3,Meicai Wei4,*   

  1. 1. College of Ecology, Lishui University Lishui 323000
    2. Zhalantun Vocational College Zhalantun 162650
    3. Provincial Postdoctoral Research Station Scientific Research and Management Center of East China Medicinal Botanical Garden Lishui Forestry Bureau Lishui 323000
    4. College of Life Science, Jiangxi Normal University Nanchang 330022
  • Received:2022-11-15 Online:2024-06-25 Published:2024-07-16
  • Contact: Meicai Wei


目的: 突瓣叶蜂属作为突瓣叶蜂亚科中最早建立的属,其种类分化复杂、分类研究困难,本研究旨在对突瓣叶蜂属内的存疑物种进行分类地位确定。方法: 以西藏自治区林业和草原局院内危害左旋柳和内蒙古呼伦贝尔市扎兰屯市危害旱柳的2种突瓣叶蜂为研究对象,采用传统形态分类学方法进行物种鉴定,经重测序技术获得二者的线粒体基因组数据,进一步将组装和注释后的线粒体基因组进行比对和二级结构差异分析。结果: 经鉴定2种突瓣叶峰分别为小须突瓣叶蜂[Nematus trochanteratus (Malaise, 1931)]和河曲突瓣叶蜂(N. hequensis Xiao, 1990)。小须突瓣叶蜂和河曲突瓣叶蜂线粒体基因组分别为16 337和16 126 bp,二者比对后显示一致性高达98.02%,其中17个基因序列完全相同,其余20个基因序列仅存在微小差异。二者有6个tRNA的8个碱基位点存在差异,12S rRNA有4个碱基位点存在差异,16S rRNA有7个碱基位点存在差异;13个蛋白质编码基因中,遗传距离(K2P)最大(COIND2ND4L)的为0.011,最小(ATP8)的为0。结论: 结合小须突瓣叶蜂和河曲突瓣叶蜂的形态学及线粒体基因组差异分析,确认二者为同物异名。根据《国际动物命名法规》,确定河曲突瓣叶蜂为小须突瓣叶蜂的次异名。

关键词: 突瓣叶蜂属, 形态, 线粒体基因组, 分类, 同物异名


Objective: Nematus is the first established genus in the Nematinae (Tenthredinidae), and its morphological classification is very complicated and difficult. This study aims to determine the taxonomic status of the questionable species within the genus. Method: Two species of Nematus were collected from Salix paraplesia var. subintegra in the courtyard of Forestry and Grassland Bureau of the Xizang Autonomous Region and Salix matsudana in Zhalantun, Hulunbeier, Inner Mongolia, respectively. Traditional morphological classification methods were used to identify the species. The mitochondrial genome of the two species were re-sequenced using Illumina Hiseq 4,000 platform by following the standard protocols. The assembled and annotated mitochondrial genomes were analyzed based on alignment and secondary structure. Result: The two species were identified as N. trochanteratus (Malaise, 1931) and N. hequensis Xiao, 1990. The mitochondrial genomes of N. trochanteratus and N. hequensis were 16337 bp and 16126 bp long, respectively. The comparison between the two showed that the consistency was as high as 98.02%, with 17 gene sequences completely identical, and the other 20 gene sequences showing only minor differences. There were differences in 8 base sites of six tRNAs between the two species, four sites in 12S rRNA, and seven sites in 16S rRNA. Among the 13 protein coding genes, COI, ND2 and ND4L had the largest genetic distance (K2P) of 0.011, and ATP8 had the Minimum genetic distance of 0. Conclusion: Based on the morphological and mitochondrial genome difference analyses of the two species, it has been confirmed that they are synonymous. According to the International Code of Animal Nomenclature, N. hequensis is identified as the secondary synonym of N. trochanteratus.

Key words: Nematus, morphology, mitochondrial genome, taxonomy, synonym
