
林业科学 ›› 2023, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (9): 106-116.doi: 10.11707/j.1001-7488.LYKX20230024

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蒙兰杨1, 黄永利1, 梁君霞1, 颜燕1, 李云晶1, 冯源恒2, 杨章旗2, 唐国强1   

  1. 1. 南宁市林业科学研究所 南宁 530107;
    2. 广西壮族自治区林业科学研究院 南宁 530002
  • 收稿日期:2023-01-16 修回日期:2023-05-08 发布日期:2023-10-28
  • 基金资助:

Effects of Pruning on the Form Quality of Artificial Young Forests of Michelia macclurei, Castanopsis hystrix and Castanopsis fissa

Meng Lanyang1, Huang Yongli1, Liang Junxia1, Yan Yan1, LI Yunjing1, Feng Yuanheng2, Yang Zhangqi2, Tang Guoqiang1   

  1. 1. Nanning Forestry Research Institute Nanning 530107;
    2. Guangxi Forestry Research Institute Nanning 530002
  • Received:2023-01-16 Revised:2023-05-08 Published:2023-10-28

摘要: 目的 研究不同修枝处理对火力楠、红椎和大叶栎幼龄林树干生长、树冠变化和树干干形的影响,分别筛选出最佳修枝强度,为其修枝技术提供理论依据。方法 以造林5年的火力楠、红椎和大叶栎纯林为试验材料,设置修枝1/3(修去树高1/3以下枝条)、修枝1/2(修去树高1/2以下枝条)、修枝2/3(修去树高2/3以下枝条)3个修枝处理和1个对照(CK,不修枝);修枝4年后进行调查测定,分析不同修枝处理对火力楠、红椎和大叶栎树干生长、树冠变化和树干干形的影响,并采用层次分析法对其不同修枝处理的林木形质指标进行综合评价。结果 不同修枝处理对火力楠的树高、胸径和材积及其生长率无显著影响;修枝2/3会降低红椎的胸径、胸径生长率和材积生长率;修枝1/2和2/3会降低大叶栎的树高生长率、修枝2/3会降低大叶栎的材积生长率。随着修枝强度增加,火力楠、红椎和大叶栎的枝下高、枯枝高变高,冠层上偏高度、枯枝层深度变小;修枝1/2会减少红椎的冠幅,修枝1/3、1/2和2/3均会减少大叶栎的冠幅。随着修枝强度增加,火力楠、红椎的尖削度、分杈数和分杈率变小,分杈高变高;修枝1/3、1/2和2/3均会降低大叶栎的尖削度、分杈数和分杈率。不同修枝处理综合评价显示,火力楠表现为修枝2/3>修枝1/2>CK>修枝1/3,红椎表现为修枝1/2>修枝2/3>修枝1/3>CK,大叶栎表现为修枝1/3>修枝1/2>修枝2/3>CK。结论 不同树种的补偿作用阈值不同,幼龄林时火力楠的补偿作用阈值高于修枝2/3,红椎和大叶栎的补偿作用阈值低于修枝2/3,修枝超过阈值会降低树高或胸径生长,最终降低材积生长。不同修枝处理对火力楠幼龄林的冠幅无显著影响,修枝1/2显著降低红椎幼龄林的冠幅,修枝1/2和2/3显著降低大叶栎幼龄林的冠幅,枝下高和枯枝高表现为修枝强度越大高度越高。修枝可显著提高火力楠、红椎和大叶栎幼龄林的林分卫生、出材率、干形质量和形质质量。幼龄林时,火力楠的最佳修枝处理为修枝2/3,红椎为修枝1/2,大叶栎为修枝1/3。

关键词: 火力楠, 红椎, 大叶栎, 修枝, 形质评价

Abstract: Objective In this study, the effects of different pruning treatments on the trunk growth, crown changes and trunk shape of young forests of Michelia macclurei, Castanopsis hystrix and Castanopsis fissa were investigated to select their best pruning methods respectively, so as to provide theoretical basis for their pruning techniques.Method The pruning experiment was carried out in 5-year-old pure forests of M. macclurei, C. hystrix and C. fissa. Three pruning treatments and one control were set up: pruning 1/3 (trim the branches below 1/3 of the tree height), pruning 1/2 (trim the branches below 1/2 of the tree height), pruning 2/3 (trim the branches below 1/2 of the tree height), CK (no pruning). After 4 years of pruning, the effects of different pruning treatments on trunk growth, crown changes and trunk shape conditions of M. macclurei, C. hystrix and C. fissa were measured and determined. The analytic hierarchy process was used to comprehensively evaluate their form quality of different pruning treatments.Result Different pruning treatments had no significant effects on the height, DBH, volume and growth percentage of M. macclurei. Pruning 2/3 reduced the DBH, DBH growth percentage and volume growth percentage of C. hystrix. Pruning 1/2 and 2/3 reduced the tree height growth percentage of C. fissa, and pruning 2/3 reduced the volume growth percentage of C. fissa. With the strengthening of pruning degree, the under-branch height and dead branch height of M. macclurei, C. hystrix and C. fissa became higher, while the height of tree crown moving upward and the depth of dead branch layer became smaller. Pruning 1/2 reduced the crown diameter of C. hystrix, and pruning 1/3, 1/2 and 2/3 reduced the crown diameter of C. fissa. With the strengthening of pruning degree, the tree tapering, number of branches and probability of bifurcation of M. macclurei and C. hystrix decreased, while the bifurcation height increased. Pruning 1/3, 1/2 and 2/3 reduced the tree tapering, number of branches and probability of bifurcatione of C. fissa. The comprehensive evaluation scores of different pruning treatments were as follows: for M. macclurei, pruning 2/3 > pruning 1/2 > CK > pruning 1/3; for C. hystrix, pruning 1/2 > pruning 2/3 > pruning 1/3 > CK; for C. fissa, pruning 1/3 > pruning 1/2 > pruning 2/3 > CK.Conclusion The compensation threshold of different tree species is different. At the early-aged stage, the compensation threshold of M. macclurei is higher than pruning 2/3, while that of C. hystrix and C. fissa is lower than pruning 2/3. If pruning exceeds the threshold, it will reduce the growth of tree height or DBH, and ultimately reduce the growth of volume. Different pruning treatments have no significant effect on the crown diameter of M. macclurei during the early age. Pruning 1/2 significantly reduces the crown diameter of C. hystrix during early age, and pruning 1/2 and 2/3 significantly reduced the crown diameter of C. fissa during early age. The under-branch height and dead branch height are characterized that the greater the pruning intensity, the higher the height. Pruning can significantly improve the forest sanitation, outturn percentage, trunk shape quality and form quality of M. macclurei, C. hystrix and C. fissa during early age. At the early-aged stage, the best pruning treatment for M. macclurei is pruning 2/3, for C. hystrix is pruning 1/2, and for C. fissa is pruning 1/3.

Key words: Michelia macclurei, Castanopsis hystrix, Castanopsis fissa, pruning, comprehensive evaluation of form quality
