林业科学 ›› 2020, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (12): 145-156.doi: 10.11707/j.1001-7488.20201217
Mengyang Hou1,2,Yuanjie Deng1,2,Shunbo Yao1,2,*,Guangquan Liu3
Shunbo Yao
目的: 在空间视角下探究森林质量与经济增长间的关系,在异质性条件下分析不同地区间存在的差异,并预测不同地区未来演变的时间路径。方法: 基于2003—2016年省际面板数据,借鉴环境库兹涅茨曲线(EKC)分析框架,建立森林质量与经济增长关系的空间面板计量模型。结果: 1)经济增长对森林质量提升的促进作用是一个长期过程,现阶段森林质量与经济增长间表现出U形变化特征,EKC假说得到验证;2)不同地区间的变化特征存在显著差异,东北和华北地区呈倒N形变化,西北地区呈U形变化,西南地区呈负向线性变化,而华南及东南地区不存在EKC关系,现阶段东北和华北地区的森林质量未跨过第2个拐点。结论: 考虑不同地区异质性条件进行计量检验能够提供更具差异化的解释,空间溢出效应的存在使得不同地区邻近省市应建立完备的森林经营与保护合作机制、林业产业保障与要素流动机制,并结合自身禀赋条件,寻求森林质量提升、生态保护与经济增长协调发展的均衡点。
侯孟阳,邓元杰,姚顺波,刘广全. 考虑空间溢出效应的森林质量与经济增长关系EKC检验[J]. 林业科学, 2020, 56(12): 145-156.
Mengyang Hou,Yuanjie Deng,Shunbo Yao,Guangquan Liu. EKC Test of the Relationship between Forest Quality and Economic Growth Considering Spatial Spillover Effects[J]. Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2020, 56(12): 145-156.
变量 Variables | 单位 Unit | 说明 Instructions | 平均值 Mean | 标准差 Standard deviation | 最小值 Min. | 最大值 Max. |
森林质量 Forest quality | m3·hm-2 | 单位面积森林蓄积量 Forest stock per unit area | 54.62 | 36.78 | 6.23 | 435.67 |
经济增长 Economic growth | yuan·person-1 | 不变价人均GDP GDP per capita in constant prices | 32 480.14 | 22 443.72 | 3 701.00 | 116 799.00 |
城镇化水平Urbanization | % | 常住人口城镇化率 Urbanization of the resident population | 49.52 | 15.28 | 21.05 | 90.30 |
林业固定资产投资 Fixed assets investment in forestry | 108yuan | 营林和造林固定资产投资 Fixed asset investment | 33.26 | 97.30 | 0.09 | 950.00 |
林木生产 Forest production | 104m3 | 木材产量 Timber yield | 325.44 | 429.02 | 0.00 | 2 954.80 |
林业劳动力 Forestry labor force | person | 林业系统第一产业从业人员 Primary industry practitioners in forestry | 33 051.68 | 50 730.52 | 125.00 | 294 239.00 |
人口密度 Population density | person·km-2 | 单位土地面积的人口数量 Population per unit land area | 402.845 | 577.587 | 1.977 | 3 850.79 |
降水量 Precipitation | mm | 遥感解译的年均降水量 Average precipitation by remote sensing | 953.07 | 528.01 | 131.53 | 2 432.60 |
气温 Temperature | ℃ | 遥感解译的年均气温 Annual temperature by remote sensing | 12.62 | 6.26 | 0.05 | 25.35 |
森林质量的全局Moran’s I指数"
指标Index | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 |
Moran’s I | 0.082 1 | 0.179 3 | 0.185 9 | 0.208 3 | 0.208 7 | 0.221 1 | 0.226 8 | 0.224 9 | 0.213 3 | 0.200 0 | 0.185 1 | 0.168 6 | 0.144 6 | 0.141 7 |
Z | 1.789 | 1.854 | 1.961 | 2.170 | 2.173 | 2.336 | 2.391 | 2.364 | 2.249 | 2.118 | 1.974 | 1.816 | 1.806 | 1.745 |
P | 0.074 | 0.064 | 0.049 | 0.029 | 0.029 | 0.019 | 0.017 | 0.018 | 0.025 | 0.034 | 0.048 | 0.069 | 0.072 | 0.078 |
变量 Variables | SLM | SEM | SDM | OLS-FE | |||||||
模型1 Model 1 | 模型2 Model 2 | 模型3 Model 3 | 模型4 Model 4 | 模型5 Model 5 | 模型6 Model 6 | 模型7 Model 7 | 模型8 Model 8 | ||||
lnpGDP | -2.302 (-0.36) | -1.718 *** (-3.45) | -1.672 (-0.25) | -1.469 ** (-2.51) | 0.325 (0.05) | -0.842 (-1.34) | -0.127 (-0.02) | -2.629 *** (-5.05) | |||
(lnpGDP)2 | 0.149 (0.23) | 0.085 *** (3.37) | 0.099 (0.14) | 0.078 *** (2.60) | -0.074 (-0.10) | 0.045 (1.46) | -0.121 (-0.17) | 0.135 *** (4.97) | |||
(lnpGDP)3 | -0.003 (-0.10) | -0.001 (-0.03) | 0.004 (0.17) | 0.009 (0.35) | |||||||
lnURBAN | 0.341 *** (3.51) | 0.341 *** (3.51) | 0.296 *** (2.97) | 0.296 *** (2.97) | 0.337 *** (3.37) | 0.338 *** (3.38) | 0.444 *** (4.13) | 0.446 *** (4.16) | |||
lnFAIF | 0.007 (0.93) | 0.007 (0.92) | 0.008 (1.00) | 0.008 (1.00) | 0.015 * (1.74) | 0.014 * (1.75) | 0.007 (0.84) | 0.007 4 (0.86) | |||
lnTY | 0.043 *** (2.67) | 0.042 *** (2.72) | 0.039 ** (2.38) | 0.039 ** (2.42) | 0.047 *** (2.83) | 0.047 *** (2.89) | 0.048 *** (2.66) | 0.049 *** (2.83) | |||
lnPIPF | -0.177 *** (-4.42) | -0.176 *** (-4.48) | -0.190 *** (-4.39) | -0.190 *** (-4.43) | -0.138 *** (-2.88) | -0.139 *** (-3.01) | -0.239 *** (-5.46) | -0.242 *** (-5.67) | |||
lnPD | -0.418 * (-1.91) | -0.426 ** (-2.09) | -0.369 (-1.51) | -0.371 (-1.59) | -0.162 (-0.46) | -0.160 (-0.46) | -0.560 ** (-2.29) | -0.529 ** (-2.33) | |||
lnPRE | -0.007 (-0.15) | -0.007 (-0.16) | 0.025 (0.44) | 0.025 (0.44) | 0.048 (0.76) | 0.047 (0.75) | -0.006 (-0.12) | -0.005 (-0.09) | |||
lnTEM | -0.009 (-0.28) | -0.009 (-0.28) | -0.023 (-0.67) | -0.022 (-0.67) | -0.016 (-0.51) | -0.017 (-0.52) | 0.012 (0.35) | 0.013 (0.35) | |||
C | 11.70 (0.51) | 19.68*** (5.82) | |||||||||
ρ/λ | 0.370 *** (6.78) | 0.369 *** (6.79) | 0.379 *** (5.83) | 0.379 *** (5.84) | 0.223 *** (3.31) | 0.223 *** (3.32) | |||||
R2 | 0.565 | 0.566 | 0.512 | 0.513 | 0.428 | 0.427 | 0.331 | 0.330 | |||
lgL | 220.539 | 220.534 | 213.846 | 213.845 | 235.236 | 235.217 | |||||
AIC | -417.078 | -419.068 | -403.691 | -405.691 | -426.472 | -430.434 | |||||
Sigma2 | 0.021 *** (14.54) | 0.021 *** (14.54) | 0.021 *** (14.45) | 0.021 *** (14.45) | 0.020 *** (14.64) | 0.020 *** (14.64) |
变量 Variables | 东北地区-SLM Northeast China-SLM | 华北地区-SLM North China-SLM | 西北地区-SEM Northwest China-SEM | 西南地区-OLS Southwest China-OLS | 华南及东南地区-SLM South and southeast China-SLM | |||||||||
固定效应FE | 固定效应FE | 随机效应RE | 固定效应FE | 随机效应RE | ||||||||||
模型1 Model 1 | 模型2 Model 2 | 模型3 Model 3 | 模型4 Model 4 | 模型5 Model 5 | 模型6 Model 6 | 模型7 Model 7 | 模型8 Model 8 | 模型9 Model 9 | 模型10 Model 10 | |||||
lnpGDP | -59.543 ** (-2.39) | -2.411 ** (-1.97) | -8.632 ** (-2.58) | -1.083 (-1.01) | -56.00* (-1.75) | -3.616 ** (-2.19) | 1.867 (1.15) | -0.21** (-2.68) | -0.757 (-0.87) | 0.066 (0.89) | ||||
(lnpGDP)2 | 5.859 ** (2.34) | 0.120 * (1.93) | 0.826 ** (2.55) | 0.065 (1.18) | 5.703 * (1.70) | 0.205 ** (2.53) | -0.113 (-1.28) | 0.043 (0.95) | ||||||
(lnpGDP)3 | -0.191 ** (-2.29) | -0.026 ** (-2.51) | -0.192 (-1.64) | |||||||||||
lnURBAN | 0.667 *** (3.64) | 0.712 *** (3.73) | 0.303 (1.13) | 0.288 (1.08) | -1.652 ** (-3.08) | -1.463 ** (-2.84) | -0.053 (-0.32) | -0.071 4 (-0.42) | 0.159 (0.68) | 0.181 (0.78) | ||||
lnFAIF | 0.019 (0.84) | 0.029 (1.26) | 0.004 (0.43) | 0.003 (0.27) | 0.046 (1.47) | 0.054 (1.63) | 0.023 (1.27) | 0.014 (0.84) | 0.024 (1.39) | 0.018 (1.14) | ||||
lnTY | 0.044 * (1.78) | 0.052 ** (2.03) | 0.064 ** (2.57) | 0.065 *** (2.60) | 0.039 (1.31) | 0.031 (1.02) | -0.130 ** (-2.28) | -0.180 ** (-2.60) | -0.052 (-1.28) | -0.043 (-1.09) | ||||
lnPIPF | -0.488 *** (-6.42) | -0.455 *** (-5.83) | -0.363 *** (-5.69) | -0.360 *** (-5.65) | -0.061 (-0.66) | -0.060 (-0.63) | -0.57*** (-3.87) | -0.50*** (-3.64) | -0.138 ** (-2.19) | -0.153 ** (-2.50) | ||||
lnPD | -5.380 *** (-3.12) | -6.752 *** (-3.98) | -0.501 * (-1.80) | -0.611 * (-1.91) | 0.209 (0.93) | 0.253 (1.03) | -0.103 (-0.11) | -0.941 (-1.42) | -0.362 ** (-2.23) | -0.331 ** (-2.11) | ||||
lnPRE | -0.033 5 (-0.87) | -0.034 8 (-0.86) | -0.111 (-1.50) | -0.109 (-1.47) | -0.012 1 (-0.11) | 0.014 (0.12) | 0.003 (0.02) | -0.005 (-0.03) | 0.076 (0.78) | 0.092 (0.97) | ||||
lnTEM | -0.008 (-0.26) | -0.005 (-0.16) | 0.158 (0.81) | 0.137 (0.72) | 0.036 (0.79) | 0.032 (0.67) | -0.047 (-1.03) | -0.042 (-0.92) | 0.226 (0.54) | 0.211 (0.50) | ||||
C | 19.13* (1.87) | 24.25*** (3.26) | 3.987 (0.38) | 16.40*** (4.05) | 7.534 (1.52) | 3.348 (1.48) | ||||||||
ρ | 0.270 * (1.93) | 0.260 * (1.81) | 0.543 *** (7.16) | 0.538 *** (7.11) | 0.757 *** (7.40) | 0.682 *** (6.20) | 0.331 *** (3.54) | 0.342 *** (3.71) | ||||||
R2 | 0.692 | 0.686 | 0.761 | 0.766 | 0.699 | 0.682 | 0.523 | 0.530 | 0.488 | 0.489 | ||||
lgL | 88.061 | 85.548 | 88.299 | 88.172 | 37.912 | 36.794 | 38.001 | 37.550 | ||||||
AIC | -152.122 | -149.095 | -152.599 | -154.345 | -47.825 | -47.588 | -50.000 | -51.101 | ||||||
Sigma2 | 0.002 *** (5.20) | 0.003 *** (5.21) | 0.006 *** (6.23) | 0.006 *** (6.24) | 0.010 *** (5.04) | 0.011 *** (5.14) | 0.027 *** (8.24) | 0.027 *** (8.24) |
地区Regions | 曲线形式 Curved form | 地区 Regions | 当前所处阶段 Current stage | 拐点出现年份 Year of inflection point | 跨过拐点所需时间 Time to cross the inflection point/a |
东北地区 Northeast China | 倒N形Inverted N-shape | 内蒙古Inner Mongolia | 下降Decline | — | — |
倒N形Inverted N-shape | 辽宁Liaoning | 上升Increase | 2017—2018 | 1~2 | |
倒N形Inverted N-shape | 吉林Jilin | 上升Increase | 2017—2018 | 1~2 | |
倒N形Inverted N-shape | 黑龙江Heilongjiang | 上升Increase | 2020—2021 | 4~5 | |
华北地区 North China | 倒N形Inverted N-shape | 北京Beijing | 上升Increase | 2017—2018 | 1~2 |
倒N形Inverted N-shape | 天津Tianjin | 上升Increase | 2017—2018 | 1~2 | |
倒N形Inverted N-shape | 河北Hebei | 上升Increase | 2026—2027 | 10~11 | |
倒N形Inverted N-shape | 山西Shanxi | 上升Increase | 2028—2029 | 12~13 | |
倒N形Inverted N-shape | 山东Shandong | 上升Increase | 2021—2022 | 5~6 | |
倒N形Inverted N-shape | 河南Henan | 上升Increase | 2025—2026 | 9~10 |
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